
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Sacrifice and Offering

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The Old Testament guided the daily lives of the Israelites.  Much of life was dedicated to the study and understanding of God’s holy word.  The rabbis and priests were among the most respected members of the community.  At the temple, the center of life, much of the activity revolved around the sacrificial system and ways of making offerings that had developed over many years.  By the time of Jesus, maybe the systems were less than perfect.  In the scriptures we see Jesus clearing the temples as He chased away the money changers and sellers of goods.

So when Jesus announces an end to these ways of connecting to and relating to God and offers a new way, the people are unsure and they question.  This announcement would be a little akin to your church announcing that from now on Coke and Doritos would be used for communion.  It is hard to change tradition.  Then Jesus goes on to say that God no longer desires these offerings and sacrifices.  And then to really muddle the waters, Jesus says that His body will be the final sacrifice.  But as events unfolded, all of this made sense to His followers and to us today.  In dying for our sins, Jesus established a new relationship between God and mankind – one built upon love and grace.  For all believers, Jesus is the path to salvation and eternal life.

Jesus also changed how we look at sacrifice and offering.  In Jesus, these things were no longer requirements, but were now gifts.  We give of ourselves out of love for God and our fellow man.  We willingly sacrifice our own selfish desires for the good and well-being of others.  Through our lives, may others experience His grace and love.

Scripture reference: Hebrews 10: 5-10

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