
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!


How far…?

Reading: Philippians 2:5-11

Verse 5: “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.”

Before we delve into today’s writing from Paul, sit with the opening verse for just a minute. How far can that go? How far should it go?

To me there are four key phrases in verses 6-8 that we are called to emulate as followers of Jesus Christ. First, “he made himself nothing.” This is not to think that we are worthless. Instead it is to see the worth in others, to think of self last, to consider others in depth before taking into account our wants and needs. Second, “taking the very nature of a servant.” This is putting these first thoughts into real action. It is responding to the need you see, it is stepping into the opportunity to help and serve the church, your family, the community. Third, “he humbled himself.” This is the dual action of surrender and then looking to God alone from this place of humility. And, fourth, Jesus “became obedient to death.” Jesus’ cross was literal. Ours could be but is much more likely to be figurative. Our greatest death is to self. That’s really what the first three are about. It is a hard death and one that comes daily. The swath of evil and destruction that self cuts is broad: pride, ego, lust, envy, greed, jealousy, hate, judgmentalism…

So why should we have the attitude of Christ? Why should our heart and mind be conformed to Christ’s? To me there are three basic reasons. First and perhaps least important: our life is better. Focusing not on self but on God and others brings a joy, a peace, a contentment that the world cannot bring. Second, it helps our relationships flourish both with God and with the community of faith. It leads to collaboration and generosity, to cooperation and genuine love. And third and most importantly, it leads others to “confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” Living with the heart and mind of Christ draws others into this relationship and into new life through our Lord and Savior.

Rethink the opening questions for just a moment: How far can that go? How far should it go?

Prayer: Lord God, I believe you told us how far: “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” May it be so in my life, O God. Amen.


Unfailing Love

Reading: Psalm 31:9-16

Verse 9: “Be merciful to me, Lord, for I am in distress.”

Today’s reading comes from the middle of Psalm 31. David cries out to God: “Be merciful to me, Lord, for I am in distress.” He is in a time of hardship and trial. The Psalm opens and closes with praise and adoration. Our verses today are about a time that wasn’t good: “I have become like broken pottery.” That’s pretty low. Yet we all have these days or seasons sprinkled throughout our lives too. We have times when “our strength fails,” when we are “weak with sorrow,” when we feel “terror on every side.” In these times we too cry out, “Be merciful…”

David shifts gears in verse 14, where he writes, “But I trust in you, O Lord.” Yes, it is bad. Yet David chooses trust. Trusting that his days are “in your hands,” David asks God for deliverance. He wants God to rescue him, to restore him. We can all relate to this desire. In our valley and on our dark days/seasons, we long for God to deliver us from the trial. David’s trust is what leads him to believe that God will come through. This trust is built. It is built on David’s past experiences with God. David has learned that the trial doesn’t last forever – joy comes with the morning. He has learned that God is always right there with him – the rod and the staff, they comfort and guide. As we learn into God again and again, our trust will be built. Doing so we too will come to know and trust into God’s faithful and steadfast love.

As we invest in our relationship with God and as God invests in our life, we too will come to say with confidence and assurance: “Let your face shine on your servant; save me in your unfailing love.”

Prayer: Lord God, the trials and the hard days are never welcomed. They are never easy. It’s when Satan whispers loudest. Yet these times refine us, they shape us. In these difficult experiences we learn to cling to you even more. Today, Lord, I thank you for even the hard and painful days. Amen.

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Begin with God

Reading: Isaiah 50:4-9

Verse 4: “God wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed.”

The section that today’s verses come from is titled “Israel’s Sin and the Servant’s Obedience.” This title contrasts the 2 choices all of us have to make: the world or God? When we choose to live by the ways of the world, this often leads to sin. When we choose to live by the ways of God, we experience life very differently, even though it is still lived in the world. I believe that the key to this choice lies in verses 4 and 5. In verses 6-9 we see the outcome or results of the commitment encouraged in the first two verses.

In verse 4 Isaiah acknowledges that he has been instructed by God and that he is sustained by the word of God. These two are available to us all. The “how” comes as we continue in verse 4: “God wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed.” If our cell phone or the remote control is the first thing we begin our day with, then we are connecting ourselves to the world. At that point we are already stepping on the treadmill of life before filling ourselves with what really matters. There is no better way to begin one’s day than to turn our ear and heart to God’s voice and to God’s word.

When we begin our day with God, then we are empowered to live out our faith. We, like the prophet, will not back down or hide our face. We will choose to live and speak faithfully, knowing that “the sovereign Lord helps me.” To the world and those that live by the ways of the world, we will say in confidence: “Let us face each other!” With God beside, before, behind, and within us, we can live as children of the light. May it be so for us all this day and every day.

Prayer: Lord God, day by day, as I awaken, draw me first and foremost to you. Fill me with all that you have for me so that I can live fully for you. Strengthen and encourage me when temptation comes. By the power of the Holy Spirit, remind me of the power and truth that I find in you. Amen.

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Going on Ahead

Reading: Matthew 21:1-11

Verse 1: “As they approached Jerusalem… Jesus sent two disciples.”

The big focus this week is on the palm parade that brought Jesus triumphally into Jerusalem. This joyous and celebratory event stands in sharp contrast to many of the events of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. It bookends Jesus’ triumphal exit from the grave and his joyful re-entry into paradise. Today, though, we delve into one small step in the palm parade. It is covered in verses 1-6.

In verse 1 we read, “As they approached Jerusalem… Jesus sent two disciples.” The simple but key phrase is the second part: “Jesus sent two disciples.” The two are sent with specific instructions and they follow these. The scene in the village unfolds just as Jesus said it would. A simple “The Lord needs them” releases the donkey and colt. Imagine for a moment what this whole experience would’ve been like. To go and do as instructed, to find all exactly as Jesus said you would. There was a trust and a faith required to go as sent. How both must have grown through this experience.

Jesus has given us instructions too. In the surface level they are as easy as the ones given to the disciples in today’s text. Jesus tells us: love as I have loved you… love God and love neighbor… go and make disciples for the transformation of the world… As it was in our passage, Jesus continues to send disciples, telling us to go into the world to witness to the good news of Jesus Christ. In the gospels we find example after example of Jesus modeling these things for us. Given instructions and many examples to follow, the question for us is this: Do we go on ahead of Jesus, preparing the way so that he may enter in?

Prayer: Lord God, guide me to be faithful to your call. I know that you have given me all I need and I know that you go with me in Spirit. In faith and trust may I too go where you send me. In hope and love may I faithfully follow where you lead. Amen.

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This Is THE Day

Reading: Psalm 118:1-2 and 19-29

Verse 24: “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

Psalm 118 is a great place to begin the week that leads to Palm Sunday. The bookend verses found in verses 1 and 29 capture the spirit of the palm parade: “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” This is the spirit of those lining the parade route as they quoted from verse 26 as Jesus entered Jerusalem. This coming Sunday is also known as Passion Sunday. It reflects the passion of Christ for you and me that leads Jesus to the cross on Good Friday. In verses 21-22 we read, “You have become my salvation. The stone the builders have rejected has become the cornerstone.” Savior to some, enemy to others. This is one of the main narratives of the weeks ahead.

Today we focus on the palms. In his own way, Jesus will echo the words of the psalmist found in verse 19: “Open for me the gates of righteousness; I will enter and give thanks to the Lord.” Jesus, as always, will continue to walk in righteousness, all the way to the grave. He will do so thanking God all the way – so great was his love for us. In verse 24 the psalmist celebrates with these words: “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” These words must’ve echoed in Jesus’ heart as he rode into Jerusalem, even though he knew what lay ahead. You see, he knew the truth of verse 1 and 29. This spirit of joy, it carried Jesus along the parade route, through the last week of his life, and on through the grave to resurrection. It will carry you and me too, each day and every day. May we choose joy. “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

Prayer: Lord God, just as the words of this song echoed that first Palm Sunday in the voices of those there, a song echoes in my heart today! “In every high and every low… Lord, you never let go of me.” How true, how true! This day I rejoice in your daily and constant presence with me. Praise be to the Lord Almighty! Amen.

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A Community Effort

Reading: John 11:38-45

Verse 44: “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.”

Photo credit: Wylly Suhendra

In the second half of our John 11 passage, Jesus moves into action. He says to no one in particular and therefore to everyone, “Take away the stone.” Practical Martha protests. Jesus draws her back to the spiritual: “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?” And after a prayer to God, Jesus calls Lazarus out of the grave. The man dead four days walks out, still wrapped in his grave cloths.

This is one way that Jesus calls us back to life. But for almost everyone, he calls us back from spiritual or emotional death. We have fallen short and have sinned. We have separated ourselves from God and from one another. We come to a place of repentance and we are restored to a right relationship with God. But we still have our grave cloths wrapped around us. These take different forms: guilt, shame, remorse, regret. Often there are also real consequences that we must face. It is a very hard road to walk alone.

Jesus says, again, to no one in particular and therefore to everyone, Take off the grave clothes and let him go.” This last step of restoration is up to the community. It is something Lazarus cannot do on his own. It is something we cannot do on our own. To fully walk in the new life that Jesus offers, we need community. To restore our relationships, we need forgiveness and reconciliation. To begin to live again, we need welcome and engagement. Faith is a community effort. We are not always on the receiving end either. At times we will need to be the ones offering forgiveness… to others. May we be as willing to give as we are to receive.

Lord God, the community is such a beautiful thing. Walking together in faith is your plan and purpose for us all. Help me to be humble when I need forgiveness and restoration. Guide me to be generous when others need to receive. Bless your beloved community. Amen.

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Jesus Is with Us

Reading: John 11:1-37

Verse 33: “When Jesus saw her weeping… he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled.”

Photo credit: Ruthson Zimmerman

We end our week with the story known as the raising of Lazarus. That’s the miracle in the passage. It begins with Mary and Martha asking Jesus to come: “Lord, the one you love is sick.” We read into their request an urgency. We can relate because maybe too often our prayers are lifted only when the situation has become urgent. At that point we too are like Mary and Martha: we want a speedy response. If things don’t turn out how we’d like or want, we too can toss up a “Lord if you had…” It is always hard to wait, to have patience, when we bring something important to God, especially if we feel that a response is urgent.

Jesus does show up. It’s just not in Mary or Martha’s preferred time frame. And it’s not the response they wanted – or so they initially think. First Martha comes and he assured her that he is “the resurrection and the life.” Yes, Lord, you are the Messiah. Then Mary comes, full of “if onlys” and filled with grief. It is here that we read, “When Jesus saw her weeping… he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled.” He enters their pain and grief. Jesus becomes present in the midst of their sorrow. He is with those who believe. This too is our Jesus. In our pain and grief, in our anger and disappointments, in our loneliness and doubt, in all of life – Jesus is with us.

Yes, Lazarus will walk out of the grave. But in 5, 9, 17 years – he will die again. The pain and sorrow will return. And so will Jesus. In Spirit, he will comfort Mary and Martha once again. This is the good news of this story: Jesus is with us. He weeps with us. He comforts us. He lifts us up. Thanks be to God, Jesus is with us.

Prayer: Lord God, yes, you are present! In the highs, in the lows, and everywhere in between, you are there. You invite us into a personal relationship. You offer to all who believe abundant life now and life eternal. But you don’t wait until we die to become part of our lives. The moment we invite you into our hearts, you enter in and you take up residence. Thank you, Jesus. I need you every day and every hour. Thank you, Lord. Amen.

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Alive to the Spirit

Reading: Romans 8:6-11

Verse 9: “You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you.”

Carrot sticks or potato chips? A doughnut or some oatmeal? A glass of water or a beer? The list could go on. In these choices and probably any others I could list, we know what the ‘right’ or ‘good’ or ‘healthy’ choice would be. Is it not the same in the spiritual realm of our lives?

In Romans 8 Paul contrasts the mind controlled by the flesh with the mind controlled by the Spirit. The mind controlled by the flesh is selfish and indulgent. It chases after and fills our hearts and minds with things that bring us temporary, earthly pleasure. These are sometimes sinful. Sometimes they are just bad for us in the long run. Living in and for the flesh is a choice. So too is living in and for God.

The mind controlled by the Spirit focuses on God’s ways and on living in ways that are pleasing to God. This focus is fueled by our relationship with God. This too is a choice. If one chooses to saturate one’s life with worship, prayer, study, and other spiritual disciplines, then the choice is being made to be led by the Spirit. Being filled by the word and ways of God, we will be “alive because of righteousness” – alive to God, alive to our faith, alive to one another, alive to the world. May it be so for you and for me.

Prayer: Lord God, help me to choose wisely – physically, relationally, and spiritually. All of me matters, not just one part. Fill me more and more with your Spirit so that all aspects of my life may flourish. Thank you, God. Amen.

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Wait with Hope

Reading: Psalm 130

Verse 5: “I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.”

Photo credit: Nathan Dumlao

The psalmist cries out to God. From the depths of pain the writer asks God to be attentive. The psalmist longs for the mercy and forgiveness that he or she knows is always available from the Lord. In these opening verses we get a sense of urgency, almost of desperation. In this way, the psalmist would fit right in with our modern world. We get a little testy if we have to wait too long in the drive-through line. We are ready to zip off a terse email if our package isn’t delivered in the first hour or two of the scheduled delivery day. And, no, it doesn’t matter if there is a blizzard happening.

When we find ourselves in the place the psalmist is in – in a place of deep regret or in a place of pain or sorrow – then the waiting is actually hard. When we find ourselves in a place that is truly a place of angst or profound distress, we do want God to respond quickly. In these difficult places, it is so hard to wait. So may we read these words with resolve: “I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.” For reinforcement, the psalmist repeats the next line. When we are struggling to wait on the Lord, when we feel like we might not make it to another day, we too stand watch, waiting for the sun to appear, signaling the start of a new day.

So what part of God’s word is the source of our hope? In the closing verses we are reminded. The Lord offers us “unfailing love.” This is a no-matter-what love. It is always ours. The second promise is like the first: we are given “full redemption” through the cross of Jesus Christ. We can be made new again each time we turn to Christ. Yes, waiting is hard. But we know the rest of the story. The Lord triumphs over all. So as we wait, may we do so in hope and in love, covered by the promise of redemption. May it be so for us all.

Prayer: Lord God, thank you for your deep and abiding love for us, a love beyond measure. Thank you for your promise of love with no limits. It is a love that always seeks, always washes us clean, always redeems. What love you have for us. In and through that love, grant us the grace to wait upon you, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

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Hear Our Cry, O God!

Reading: Psalm 130

Verses 1-2: “Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord; Lord, hear my voice.”

Photo credit: Stormseeker

The psalmist cries out to God. From “the depths” the psalmist goes to God full of emotion and from a place of discontent. If you’ve walked with God for a while then you, like me, have found yourself in a place very similar to the place the psalmist finds himself or herself. Sometimes we place ourselves there. Our sins or other poor choices have led us to a place in our relationship with God and/or with others that is discomforting and charged with emotions. At other times we find ourselves needing to cry out to God because of something someone else has done or because life simply happens. From these depths we too cry out to God.

In the rest of verse 2 we read, “Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy.” The psalmist is asking God to not just hear the words of his or her lips. He or she is asking God to really listen, to receive these words, to pay attention to this cry of the heart. This is an invitation to God to receive us into a deeper relationship, into a more personal connection. To cry out in such a way is an expression of trust and faith. One would not pour out one’s heart unless there was a foundational trust and faith in a response. We are invited to go to God in such a way.

What are the cries of your heart? Are you angry or hurt? Are you lost or filled with questions? Are you lonely or experiencing unwanted change? Are you drowning in grief or wrestling with a big decision? Are you in a tight place financially or are you bone tired? There is no place that we cannot cry out from. There is no cry that God will not hear. So in faith and in trust and with hope, may we cry out to God.

Prayer: Lord God, hear my cry from the depths of my heart to the depths of yours. Through your son, feel what I am feeling, know what pulls at my heart and soul. Attune your ear to my cry, O God. Amen.