
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Go…. Go??? Go!

Reading: Genesis 12:1-4

Verse 1: “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.”

Photo credit: Jon Tyson

Abram lived in the land of Haran. He was born in Ur but has been in Haran for about 60 years. It is home. He has established a life for himself and for his wife Sarai among his father’s household. Then Terah, his father, dies. It is then that Abram hears these words: “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.” Haran was home to Abram and everyone and everything he knew and loved. At his father’s passing, he would’ve been in charge of all the Terah owned.

God also adds some promises to the command to go. God will make Abram’s descendants into a great nation. Did I mention that Sarai is barren? God will make his name great and all people of the earth will be blessed through him. Did I mention that as Abram leaves home and security, he only has Sarai and his nephew Lot to bring with him? The promises seem great. But they’re a lot like “the land that I will show you.” It is a lot to consider. Yet in verse 4 we read, “So Abram left.”

Abram receives these words from God and off he goes. In a situation full of unknowns, Abram is full of trust in God. Willing to follow God’s direction wherever, Abram sets out. Willing to follow God’s leading until whenever, he begins his journey. Willing to go until God tells him to stop, Abram moves forward. These are the lessons for us in this passage. This example of faithful discipleship is ours to follow.

Maybe God will ask you to load up and go to a new place. Maybe God will nudge you towards that person you’ve been struggling with. Maybe God will put a call on your heart to serve someone. God asks us to go in many different ways. With a full trust in God, may we too go.

Prayer: Lord God, it’s easy to think I’d simply go. But that’s probably not really true. At least a lot of the time. So Lord, deepen my trust in you. Build up my willingness to go whenever and wherever. Amen.

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Reading: Psalm 121

Verse 2: “My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.”

Psalm 121 is one of the Songs of Ascent – songs that were sung as people headed up to worship. Jerusalem and the temple were built upon hills that physically required upward movement. The Psalm begins with a lifting of the eyes, with a look up towards God. As movement is definitely part of our Lenten journey, this Psalm fits right in. These words today speak of a physical journey. This is certainly part of our faith too. We go to worship, to classes, to events to grow in our faith. And we also go to our sacred spaces – the sanctuary, the beach, the path in the woods… – when we need to feel God’s presence in times of need.

The psalmist declares, “My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.” The writer recognizes that the Lord is personal – “my help” – and that the Lord is all-powerful – “the maker of heaven and earth.” In the remainder of the Psalm we read of God’s constant presence in our lives. The Lord watches over and protects us “both now and forevermore.” To the psalmist, God is always right there, always present. This truth is our truth too. The Lord never leaves us, never “slumbers or sleeps.”

As we take in the whole of this Psalm, we come to recognize our dependence on God. It is humbling to see how totally dependent we are on the Lord. Yet it is also deeply assuring to know that God is always right there. A thanksgiving wells up in me as I am reminded of God’s abiding presence that is a constant in our lives. As we continue on our Lenten journey, may we walk fully assured that God is with us – always.

Prayer: Lord God, yes, my help comes from you! Thank you for reminding me once again that you are always there. May my grateful response today be to make you more fully known to those living outside of a relationship with you. Use me as you will to reveal your love to the world. Amen.

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Inviting Others Along

Reading: 2nd Corinthians 5:20-21 and 6:1-10

Verse 20: “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.”

On this first Sunday in Lent, as we take this mostly personal journey of faith, today’s reading brings this question to my mind: Who are we inviting along in this journey? In today’s passage, Paul describes his journey and this can serve as a model for us as we seek to share Christ with others. In the first verse Paul states: “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.” Friends, we are all Christ’s ambassadors.

In verses 2 Paul writes of the imperative nature of this role: “Now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.” For every lost soul that crossed paths with Paul and for every wayward person that crosses our path, this statement remains true. Today is the day to meet the Savior. In the rest of the passage Paul speaks mostly of his hardships, not as a way to brag or as a means to show how faithful he was, but as a way to show how God has always been with him. Paul is modeling how his faith was not a “stumbling block” to others but was instead what allowed him to live “having nothing, yet possessing everything.”

In each of these hardships Paul sought to and invites us to be servants who “commends ourselves in every way.” In other words, his faith and trust in Jesus is what he relied on and is what carried him through. In our lives, our actions usually speak louder than our words. So the question for us is this: In our times of hardship, how is the power of Jesus Christ revealed in and through us? That is how we invite others into relationship with Jesus Christ and onto this journey of faith.

Prayer: Lord God, in the good and in the bad, but especially in the hardships, may I reveal you in me to the world. Guide me to turn to you first and always, relying not on my own ability or efforts. Lead me to trust fully in you. Amen.

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Available to All

Reading: Romans 5:12-19

Verse 16: “The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification.”

Romans 5 connects our Genesis 2 and 3 readings with the life and death of Jesus Christ. In verses 12-14 Paul reminds us that sin entered the world through Adam (and Eve). With sin came death. In the last part of verse 14 Paul identifies Adam as “the pattern of the one to come.” Yet, as Paul writes, “The gift is not like the trespass.”

Continuing on Paul explains that the trespass leads many to death. In verse 16 he writes, “The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification.” Once sin entered the world, humanity faced condemnation. Sin and death and guilt began to reign in our lives. Until the gift came. The gift was God’s son, who came to earth to die on a cross for our sins. Jesus’ innocent life was the atoning sacrifice for all sin. His life paid the price for our sin. This gift brought justification – the process of being made right with God. Our sin and guilt is washed away by the blood of the lamb. Through the power of the grace of God, we are made new again.

There is a totality in the actions of both Adam and Jesus Christ. Sin came into all humanity through the sin of Adam and Eve in the garden. What flowed through their veins flows through all of our veins. Whether or not one is a believer, we are all prone to sin. That is all people’s human condition. At our base level we all look out for #1. There is also totality in Christ. Grace “overflows to the many.” It is available to all people. The offer of justification “brings life to all humanity.” There is no limit on God’s grace. It is available to all people. Just as sin touches all of our lives, so too can grace. This is how Jesus is the new Adam. This is the beauty of God’s love. It is not just for all who believe. It is equally strong and available to all who are lost in their sin. Thanks be to God.

Prayer: Lord God, I am so grateful that your grace washes over me again and again and again. It is undeserved yet always available. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Yet this is there for all people. I am so amazed at the limitless nature of your love and grace. It is for all people everywhere. This is truly amazing and wonderful. Thank you, Lord. Amen.

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Rend Our Heart

Reading: Joel 2:1-2 and 12-17

Verse 12: “Even now, return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.”

Photo credit: Kelly Sikkema

We turn today to the book of Joel. In our reading today he is encouraging the people of God to throw themselves on God’s mercy. In chapter 1 Joel laments over the invasion of locusts that recently came upon Israel and Judah. Then he calls the people to repent and to fast and to pray. Another swarm is on the horizon. This is what Joel announces in verses 1-2 of today’s passage. The prophet calls on them to “blow the trumpet… sound the alarm.” He warms, “It is close at hand.” And he defines “it” – “a large and mighty army comes, such as was never of old.” You’d think this warning would scare Israel and Judah into obedience to God. It won’t. Their hearts are very hard.

Turning to verses 12-17, Joel lays out what the peoples’ response should be. All is not lost. God is merciful. The prophet emphasizes this in verse 12: “Even now, return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.” He encourages them to “rend your heart” – to tear their hearts away from the hardness and away from the evils that have led God to bring an army against them. Joel calls on them to turn to God, to God who is “gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, and abounding in love.” This is a God who wants to relent, who wants nothing more than to be in a good and righteous relationship with the people of Israel and Judah. Joel calls them all to a “holy fast,” to a “sacred assembly.” Paired with this gathering, he implores the priests to cry out to God, to beg for God to spare them. To be spared, they must fast, pray, repent, and turn to God. Joel calls for an all-out and total effort.

This passage sets a great tone for Lent. During these 40 days we are called to rend our heart, to turn away from evil, to turn to God. We are called to fast and to pray and to repent. We are called to draw near to God’s grace and compassion, to God’s abundant love. May it be so in this holy season of Lent.

Prayer: Lord God, in humility I come, recognizing that I love a lot of the things of this world. Help me to rend my heart from these things that separate me from you. Torn from them, guide me deeper into your love and grace. Strengthen me for the journey ahead. Amen.

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Washed Clean

Reading: Psalm 32

Verse 5: “I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity… you forgave the guilt of my sin.”

In our Psalm today we find a pattern that we all know intimately and we find the truth that breaks or redeems this pattern. Like David, the author of the Psalm, we are familiar with sin. Some may think that as our faith matures, we sin less. We do, I believe, get a handle on many things that caused us to sin when we were less mature in the faith. However, as our faith matures, we come to understand more as sin. Things that we did not see before as sinful, suddenly it is sinful. For me, for example, gossip was one of those things. At a point I realized that this was sinful and that I needed to control my tongue. And physical age, which tends to parallel our “faith age,” brings with it challenges that often require greater faith – health issues, emotional changes…

No matter our age or the maturity of our faith, David names something that we all struggle with. Strangely it is not the sin itself. If one is truly repentant and seeks God’s help, then God will provide all that we need to overcome that sin. It is the guilt that we can struggle with. I may be able, with lots of help from God, to get a judgmental attitude turned around. The guilt for damage done remains though. This too I need to surrender to God. In verses 5 we find the promise: “I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity… you forgave the guilt of my sin.” When we are honest with God and seek God’s power, then God not only forgives but also takes away our guilt. Now we may have work to do to restore or reconcile that relationship, but the stain or the guilt is washed clean by God’s love.

Fully forgiven, we get to the place that David is at at the end of the Psalm. The guilt and the weight of the sin removed, we know that God’s unfailing love surrounds us. We can rejoice in the Lord. We can experience joy and gladness as we lift our praises to God. What a wonderful Savior. Thanks be to God!

Prayer: Lord God, you seek to walk with us daily. Beside us, you give us strength and courage. Beside us, you welcome our honest conversations and confessions. Through the life given by your son, you cleanse us and free us from the sun and guilt that we bear. Thank you for your mercy, for your grace, and for your great love. All my days may I praise your holy name. Amen.

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Humble and Contrite

Reading: Matthew 6:1-6 and 16-21

Verse 16: “When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting.”

Photo credit: Felipe Correia

Jesus addresses how we are to practice some of the disciplines of our faith in today’s passage. He begins with a warning to “be careful” how we do these things. Jesus addresses our giving, our prayer life, and our fasting. Jesus warms us today about doing these things for show. If we, for example, flash around our cash before theatrically placing it in the offering plate, then we have failed. Impressing people does not translate to eternity. The same is true for how we pray. It should be about talking to God, about being personal and intimate with God. It is not about flashy intonations and flowery words. These too only register with human eyes and ears.

In verses 16 Jesus addresses fasting. As we begin Lent today, let us focus on this section. The warning: “When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting.” Today it could translate into complaining loudly to one and all about how much you miss your coffee each day – you know, because you gave it up for Lent. If, on the other hand, you add in a faith practice for Lent, maybe you whine or grumble a lot to your spouse or a friend about the gobs of extra time that God is requiring. As with the giving and the prayer, when we fast or practice another discipline to work on our relationship to and connection with God as a means to impress others, then it is not about God anymore.

With today’s teaching, Jesus was addressing the “hypocrites” – the super religious of his day. When we flaunt or make a big show of our faith, Jesus would have this same word for us. Our friends and neighbors certainly do. With these thoughts in mind, may we choose a humble and contrite journey in Lent.

Prayer: Lord God, use me to model a humble and simple faith. Keep my focus on our relationship and not on how others might see it. May this season be one of personal growth and a deepening of my relationship with you. Amen.

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Walking Closer

Reading: Psalm 51:1-17

Verse 3: “For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me.”

As we begin to lean into Ash Wednesday we first turn to this powerful Psalm. These words are the heartfelt confession of King David. Adultery and murder are the two “big” transgressions at the heart of these words, but they are far from the only sins committed. It can be easy to dismiss the lessons of this Psalm as we think, ‘I’ve never committed murder or adultery.’ If that’s the case, please take a second and read Matthew 5:21-30.

To me the beauty of this Psalm is that it is equal parts confession, trust in God, and a desire to live in such a way that not only David but others can become closer to God. David begins where most of us should begin – asking God for mercy and for cleansing. In verses 3 we learn why this is the place to begin: “For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me.” Like all of us, David recognizes that he has been sinful since birth. That is just part of the human condition. Beginning in verse 6 David expresses a desire to be better: “teach me wisdom… cleanse me… wash me… blot out my iniquity… create in me a pure heart… renew a steadfast Spirit within me…” David knows that he falls woefully short of who he could be. And he humbly turns to the only one that can change him: God.

Tomorrow evening many of these words will be spoken. The ashes and songs and words will remind us of our shortcomings and of our humanity. The cross made in our forehead or hand will remind us of the only one who can change our hearts. With the same trust and humility as David, may we surrender self to God and commit to walking closer to who God created us to be.

Prayer: Lord God, yes, my sin is ever before me. The words, the thoughts, sometimes the actions – they reveal the depths of humanity within me. Lord, hear my confession and repentance. Cleanse me again and again of my transgressions. Lead and guide me to live my faith more consistently, more honestly, more humbly. Amen.

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The Battle

Readings: Genesis 2:15-17 and Genesis 3:1-7

Verse 17: “You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”

Photo credit: Paul Garaizar

Lent begins this week on Ash Wednesday. We begin this week’s readings in the garden with God, Adam, and Eve. It is a story of temptation and sin. In verse 17 God says to Adam, “You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” God has provided an abundant bounty of food for Adam’s physical needs. In verses 18-25 God addresses Adam’s relational needs as God creates Eve. Then, in chapter 3, the serpent plays on Adam and Eve’s weakness, tempting them with knowledge and power – to be like God. Unable to resist, they eat and their eyes are opened. They “realized they were naked.” With the knowledge of good and evil, without clothing became“naked.” Since that moment, humankind has wrestled with sin and temptation, with the battle between good and evil, between God and Satan.

These themes will run throughout our week, in each of the passages. In the same way these themes are intertwined in our day to day lives. Our battles with good and evil can be relatively small – that candy bar in the store quietly makes its way into our pocket or we go for the little extra pour or scoop when we’ve already had enough. Sometimes the battle is “just for fun” – how fast can this car go late at night on this deserted interstate? And other times the battle involves real stakes, real consequences for our lives and for our souls.

Because sin and evil and temptation are real and because the shiny fruit looks really good, we must always be aware of the battle. Often a small step in the wrong direction leads to another step and soon enough we’re plunging headlong into deep and dangerous waters. The only path to true life here and to abundant life eternal lies in the path walked with God. Holy Spirit, guide us to walk as a child of the light.

Prayer: Lord God, the human one within me is strong. The evil one remains crafty and deceitful as ever. Lord, I need you. By the power of the Holy Spirit living in me, help me to resist the temptations. And when I do fall, Lord, draw me back quickly and restore me by your grace. Amen.

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A Consuming Fire

Reading: Exodus 24:12-18

Verse 17: “To the Israelites the glory of the Lord looked like a consuming fire on top of the mountain.”

Photo credit: Ricardo Gomez Angel

Returning to Exodus 24 today, Moses goes up the mountain to receive the law and commands. Through these, God is inviting the people into a deeper relationship and into a new way of living. Moving from slavery in Egypt to dwelling as a free and loved people in the Promised Land, the Israelites needed a new framework for life. As they await this, “To the Israelites the glory of the Lord looked like a consuming fire on top of the mountain.”

In our lives as Christians we too have a framework for life. The Bible is an expanded and refined version of the laws and commands that Moses received. The words in the Bible give us guidance and direction for living as the beloved children of God in this world. Jesus is the central figure in the scriptures and provides us a real-life example of how to live out God’s will and God’s ways.

The concept of God being a consuming fire also holds true. As we delve into God’s word and as we allow it to shape and form, to refine and reform us, the fire of the Holy Spirit burns away the chaff – our sins, our selfishness, our fleshy desires… Led and guided by the Spirit, one more image of flame, we become more and more who God created us to be.

Day by day, may you be blessed on your journey.

Prayer: Lord God, thank you for the framework you give for life – especially the example found in your son Jesus. By his example we have the model for how to love you and one another. Continue to work in me, drawing me closer and closer to who you made me to be. Amen.