
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Teach Them Well

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I’ve heard that when people have an experience where they think they are going to die, that their life flashes before their eyes.  At times with those near to death, they often reminisce about their lives as the end draws near.  Even after death, at funerals we tell stories and share about a life well-lived.  We are wired to be connectional and relational and this process of remembering our past brings comfort. peace, and often strength.

The process of remembering and retelling also serves to help the next generation.  So we must not limit this gift to end of life moments.  When we share our lives and experiences, we can teach the young people in our midst.  Our stories of faith and life lived as a believer can strengthen and encourage them.  It may even give them a model to follow or an example to look upon as then navigate through life.

From the beginning, God directed the parents to instruct their children in His ways.  They were to write His word on the doorposts of their homes, to write it upon the hearts and minds of their children, to carry it in little boxes tied to their foreheads and forearms.  This charge is the same for us.  May we too be diligent in teaching our children and young people about Christ and what it means to live as a Christian.

Scripture reference: Deuteronomy 34: 1-12

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