
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Humbly Walk

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Reading: Proverbs 16

‭Proverbs 15:3 – “The LORD’s eyes are everywhere, keeping watch on evil and good people.”

In verses 28 we read that a righteous heart thinks before answering while the wicked heart blurts out evil. Our words really matter. The sage also shared that the sensitive answers turn back wrath while offensive words stir up anger. Similarly, patient people calm strife while hotheads stir up conflict. Our words affect others. Let our words be carefully considered.

When our words are wholesome, they bring others life. When we speak with wisdom we spread knowledge. But with unwholesome speech there is no knowledge. This kind of speech breaks the spirit – and the heart. Our words affect others. Let us speak words of truth and love, hope and wisdom.

If we are wise and careful with our words then we reveal a close walk with God. God loves those who pursue righteousness and whose words are pure (in alignment with God’s will and way.) God detests those who lay evil plans and who walk the path of wickedness. Speaking of the consequences the sage writes, “God snatched the arrogant one’s house” while watching over and preserving the widow’s home… May our actions and words be pure.

The sages also touch on the “why” concerning the pursuit of righteousness. We’re reminded that having “a little” while fearing the Lord is better than “great reward” with turmoil. We’re reminded that to “eat greens” surrounded by love is far better than “a plump calf” surrounded by hate. There is much to be said for peace, contentment, simple joys. Today’s readings closes with this gem: “The fear of the Lord is wise instruction, and humility comes with respect.” May we humbly Walk before the Lord who is worthy of our respect and of our love and of our obedience. May it be so.

Prayer: Lord God, as our words really matter, guide our words. Help us to speak words that build up, that encourage, that spread love and life and faith. Fill our hearts, Lord, with your presence, for there we find joy, hope, love, contentment, and peace. Yes, God, may it be so. Amen.

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