
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Path of Righteousness

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Reading: Proverbs 16

‭Proverbs 16:18 – “Pride comes before disaster, and arrogance before a fall.”

Photo credit: Nadine Shaabana

Today’s reading contains mostly examples of how to live in alignment with God’s will and way. Verses 1 and 9 summarize this idea well. In these verses we are reminded that although we plan our path using our hearts, it is God who answers our plans and who secures our plans/path. The sage reminds us that God “tests our motives” too. Are our plans and the desires of our hearts pure? Are they aligned with God’s heart?

Many of today’s verses speak to answering this question. If we commit our work (and our lives) to God, then our plans will succeed. If we see and work towards God’s purposes, if we walk the right and good road, then God will be glorified. If we seek wisdom, then we will have insightful speech and can offer enhanced teaching. Verse 31 reminds us that we’re long-term projects: “Gray hair is a crown of glory.” Eventually this is found “on the path of righteousness.”

There’s a bit of practical advice in today’s verses. Honest scales and balances are God’s way. Integrity and honesty matter in God’s world. Therefore, “better a little with righteousness than great profits without justice.”

And there are warnings today too. It is important to remember the outcomes of wicked or evil choices. The Lord “detests” arrogance and pride, evil deeds, and slanderous and gossipy speech. All of these behaviors run against God’s will and way and against God’s plans and purposes for our world and for our lives. Yet these sins are ever before us, tempting us to walk the world’s path. With God’s strength and presence, may we instead choose to walk the path of righteousness. May it be so for you and for me.

Prayer: Lord God, it is so easy, so tempting, so alluring to simply choose the way and path of the world. So, God, pour out your Spirit’s wisdom and power, enabling us to choose your path of righteousness. Amen.

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