
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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In Those Days…

Readings: Judges 17, Judges 18, Judges 19, Judges 20, Judges 21

Judges 21:25 – “In those days there was no king in Israel; each person did what they thought to be right.”

Photo credit: Nick Fewings

I got done reading today’s five chapters and just thought, “Wow…” Could Israel’s downward spiral get any worse? I read the last verse in Judges and thought, “How true.” Yes, God is consulted and at times God is actually present, but overall their actions are about as far from righteous and holy as they could be.

We begin with Micah setting up his own sanctuary, finding a wandering Levites priest to be his priest. Dan’s search for land brings spies into contact with this Levite. They end up abducting him and they take all of Micah’s sanctuary things for themselves. They find Laish – a happy little community living in their own little corner of the world. They totally wipe Laish out and take the area as their own. They set up their own sanctuary there.

That same Levite marries a secondary wife from his hometown of Bethlehem. Traveling home from retrieving this wayward wife, they stay in Gibeah. In a scene reminiscent of Lot’s experience in Sodom, the secondary wife is given to the depraived Benjamites, who leave her for dead. The Levite takes her body home, cuts it into 12 pieces, and sends it to the 12 tribes, basically asking, ‘What are you going to do about this?’ Benjamin refuses to give up the men of Gibeah and civil war ensues. 50,000 Benjamites die and 40,000 Israelites die. The Israelites burn down all the Benjamite cities, killing everything. The 600 men who escaped to the rock in the desert are all that is left of the tribe of Benjamin. Sitting in the brink of eliminating one of the 12 tribes, the rest of Israel pledges to not let any of their women marry a Benjamite. Their solution to saving Benjamin is to massacre the one community that didn’t participate in all of this horrid violence, except the virgins. These are given to the men of Benjamin. But they’re not enough. So they steal a few more wives from the unsuspecting Israelite community of Shiloh – while they are worshipping the Lord.

Indeed, “In those days there was no king in Israel; each person did what they thought to be right.”

Prayer: Lord God, what total and utter depravity. It makes me shudder. It is hard to fathom how far the people of God have fallen. You have a presence – allowing just enough guidance to one day work good out of all this horrid history. I am thankful that you always have a plan, even in the midst of such as this. Amen.