
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Readings: Ezra 4, Ezra 5, Ezra 6

Ezra 6:16 – “Then the Israelites, the priests and the Levites, and the rest of the returned exiles joyfully celebrated the dedication of this house of God.”

The rebuilding of the temple is not universally viewed as a joyous and good event. The local people do not like seeing the Israelites reestablishing themselves. The “enemies of Judah and Benjamin” come and offer to “help” with the rebuilding of the temple. These are likely the people who were relocated to the Promised Land by Assyria. They were taught to worship the “local god” (2nd Kings 17.) Their help is flatly refused. So they begin to cause trouble, trying to frustrate the building. A letter is sent to King Artaxerxes, pointing out the danger of rebuilding this “rebellious and wicked city.” The king stops the rebuilding of the temple.

The prophets Haggai and Zechariah encourage those in Judah with a word from God and the rebuilding resumes. Tattenai, the local governor, questions this and sends a letter to King Darius. Unauthorized building could be treasonous. Darius searches the archives and finds Cyrus’ decree. Darius tells Tattenai to allow the temple to be rebuilt and he tells him to pay for anything the Jews need. A harsh punishment for any who disobey the directions is also included. Rebuilding resumes.

In the sixth year of Darius’ reign the temple is completed. It took just over 40 years to rebuild. A joyful celebration follows – with lots of entirely burned offerings and 12 purification offerings. The priests and Levites are assigned to their duties in the temple. The people then celebrate the Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread. The Israelites are joyful because the Lord changed the attitude of the king. They recognize that God is in control. All Israel celebrated this blessing.

Prayer: Lord God, in the times when you are clearly present, it is easy to be joyful and to walk faithfully with you. But in times of trial or suffering, in moments when we face opposition, it isn’t always easy to cling to you. We want to do something. We want to take action. In these moments, Lord, remind us of your steadfast love and of your complete power and authority. Draw us into who and what you are so that our walk remains steadfast and true. Amen.