
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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What a Turn!

Readings: Esther 5, Esther 6, Esther 7, Esther 8, Esther 9, Esther 10

Esther 9:1 – “On the very day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to overpower them, the tables were turned against them.”

Photo credit: Justin Luebke

As the story continues, Esther goes to and is received by the king. He offers her anything she wants – “even half the kingdom.” She requests that the king and Haman come to a banquet first. Haman leaves the banquet in high spirits. But seeing Mordecai angers him. It is suggested that he has a 75′ pole built to hang Mordecai on. The pole is built. But that night the king can’t sleep. The royal records are read and he hears of Mordecai’s heroism. The next day, thinking it is for himself, Haman comes up with a grand plan to honor this man. He ends up parading Mordecai around the city. What a turn!

At the second banquet Esther shared her wish: “give me my life… and the lives of my people.” Haman’s cruel plan is unveiled and eventually he is impaled on that 75′ pole. What a turn! The next day Esther and Mordecai appear before the king. They receive permission to write an order that will “call back” the original order. The Jews are allowed to defend themselves. Mordecai is greeted with shouts of joy in Susa. Jews everywhere are elated. Yes, what a turn.

The fateful day arrives. “On the very day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to overpower them, the tables were turned against them.” No one is able to stand up to the Jews. They win sweeping victories over their enemies. The days end in great celebration and feasting. What a turn! Esther and Mordecai make it an official day of celebration – the Feast of Purim. It is named after “pur” – the dice tossed to decide the day of the Jews’ demise. Yearly, though, it is two days of celebration and feasting, remembering God’s rescue. What a turn indeed!

Prayer: Lord God, what a grand story of rescue. Although behind the scenes, you were there at every turn – prompting, leading, guiding, orchestrating, making a way. We rejoice in you, our good, good God. And we humbly ask, O Lord, that you are present in our lives too. Show us, lead us, guide us, prompt us, rescue us, O God. Amen.