
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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In All of Life

Reading: Psalm 98

Verse 1: “Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things.”

Photo credit: Rainier Ridao

Psalm 98 is a song of praise and worship. The psalmist lifts up salvation and God’s righteousness and faithfulness as reasons to sing praises to the Lord. In our lives, we certainly can offer lots of praise and thanksgiving to God when we are experiencing these and other blessings in our lives. In the good days it is easy and natural to praise God and to lift our worship heavenward.

It is not always easy, though, to praise the Lord. When we experience unwanted change or loss, when we receive that sobering diagnosis, when we feel isolated or lonely – it can be hard to find joy and to have praise on our lips. Today I am reminded that worship or praise doesn’t always have to be loud or joyous or exuberant. It can be prayerful or quiet or meditative. It can be centered on our understanding that as a child of God, God loves us and has plans to prosper us and wants to bring good into our lives.

Yes, I am sure that God enjoys listening in on a good old hymn or a communal prayer. But our faith is also personal and intimate. A quiet moment, a heartfelt prayer, a stillness simply resting in God’s presence – these too are deeply pleasing to God. In and through all things, we know that God is in control. Praise and worship is sometimes simply reflecting this truth back to God. May our praise and worship reflect this in all of life.

Prayer: Lord God, in the days of sunshine and beauty, in the days of darkness and despair, in the days of intermittent clouds and the everyday of life – may I ever praise and worship your holy name. You are my constant in all of life. For that I can always rejoice. Amen.