
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Things Feel Good… Until…

Readings: 2nd Kings 8:16-29, 2nd Kings 9, 2nd Kings 10

2nd Kings 9:6-7 – “I anoint you king over the LORD’s people, over Israel. You will strike down your master Ahab’s family.”

Photo credit: Falaq Lazuardi

As we begin our readings Jehoram becomes Judah’s king. He does evil. Edom and then Libnah rebel. Jehoram dies and Ahaziah becomes king. He does evil. He joins Joram, Israel’s king, in a battle against Aram. Joram is injured and withdraws. We don’t know how the battle turns out.

In chapter 9 the focus shifts to Jehu. Elisha sends a fellow prophet to anoint Jehu king of Israel. He instructs Jehu to strike down your master Ahab’s family.” Jehu and his men head towards Jezreel. Joram sends two chariots out to see if they come in peace. Neither returns so Joram and Ahaziah head out to see. Jehu asks how could there be peace with all of Jezebel’s sins? Joram and Ahaziah are killed as they flee. Jezebel greets Jehu rudely from an upper window. He asks the officials there with her if they’re on his side. They throw Jezebel out the window. Her body is later devoured by dogs, fulfilling Elijah’s words.

Next Jehu cleverly but brutally disposes of Ahab’s 70 sons. He then kills all others who belonged to Ahab as well as Ahaziah’s brothers. Jehu then turns his focus to the Baal worshippers. He claims to be a super Baal worshipper and calls for a huge sacrifice to Baal. All who follow Baal flock in. “No one stayed home.” 80 soldiers mercilessly kill them all and then destroy the Baal temple and all that was inside of it.

Jehu has done much to remove evil from Israel. Things feel good. Until we turn to 10:29 – “However, Jehu didn’t deviate from the sins that Jeroboam… had caused Israel to commit.” Jehu’s family will reign for four generations. Meanwhile, God begins to whittle down the size of Israel.

Prayer: Lord God, so much heads in the right direction, and, then, evil. I am reminded of David’s great sin. But there is no repentance here with Jehu. We too will strive to walk in your ways, O God, only to stumble and fall. In those critical moments, draw our hearts to a place of repentance. Guide us to humble ourselves and to rejoin you in our walk of faith. O Lord, may it be so. Amen.