
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

None Like You

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Reading: Psalm 86:8-10

Verse 8: “Among the gods there is none like you, Lord; no deeds can compare with yours.”

Photo credit: Shane Rounce

David declares that there is no god like our God. In David’s day, pagan cultures and tribes were all around. There were literally many different gods. While some cultures and tribes continue to be polytheistic, most of the modern world has found other gods to worship. We’ve replaced Baal and Asherah and Zeus with power, popularity, possessions, beauty, wealth… There is no shortage of gods that humankind worships.

As a believer I agree with David: “there is none like you.” Our God is full of love and compassion and forgiveness. Our God is merciful and gracious. Our God loves all people – saints and sinners, outsiders and insiders, believers and agnostics. Our God came to serve the least, the lost, the marginalized. Our God came to care for the orphans, widows, prisoners, tax collectors, prostitutes… Our God gave up his only Son so that we could be forgiven and restored and so we could live with God in eternity. David is right: “no deeds compare” to God’s.

David also writes about our response to our God. We are to “come and worship” and we are called to “bring glory to your name.” Our call is to worship God with our lives, bringing glory to God alone as we seek to be the words and actions of Jesus Christ in the world. May it be so for you and for me each day. To God be the glory!

Prayer: Lord God, there is none like you. All other gods fall short. They may satisfy momentarily but their luster fades, their appeal dies. Only you bring enduring hope, lasting contentment, pure joy. You alone fill and complete us. In all I say and do and think may I bring you the glory. Amen.

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