
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

The Clear Leading of God

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Reading: Genesis 25:29-34

Verse 30: “Quick, let me have some of that red stew! I’m famished!”

As we continue the story of Esau and Jacob, Esau comes home from an apparently very long hunting trip. While he was away, Jacob has been busy too, working on this wonderful red lentil stew. At a place close to desperation Esau says, “Quick, let me have some of that red stew! I’m famished!” Maybe Jacob has been waiting for this chance, perhaps scheming for it ever since coming out of the womb. At this moment Jacob asks the famished Esau to trade his birthright for some stew. A desperate Esau agrees and satisfies his deep hunger.

We often read this passage and think that Jacob tricks his older brother or that he is deceitful in his scheming. But what if God was the one at work? What if the Spirit prompted Jacob to ask and Esau to answer as they did? What if this is another example of God’s penchant for raising the lowly over the powerful?

A birthright is a generations old tradition and practice that often insured the continuation of a family line by giving the oldest – the one who was usually the most experienced and most mature – the control of the family property, heritage, and legacy. It had operated this way for centuries and it has continued to operate through this day. Yet in this instance God has alternative plans. God’s ways are not always our ways. God’s plans are usually far greater than we could have ever imagined or taken them. So, in those moments, may we too lean into the clear leading of God, even when it is outside of what we think the norm.

Prayer: Lord God, open my heart to where and how you want to lead. Humble me so that I can easily get out of the way of whatever you are up to. Grant me the courage to step in to play a role as the Spirit leads. Amen.

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