
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Sing a Song

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Reading: Psalm 105:1-6 and 16-22

Verse 2: “Sing to God, sing praise to God; tell of all God’s wonderful acts.”

Photo credit: Shane Rounce

Psalm 105 encourages us to sing. The psalmist encourages us to sing as our vehicle for remembering God’s wonderful acts, for finding strength, and for seeking God’s face. On days when life is good, a song will lift our spirits. On days when life is hard or challenging, a song will shift our focus back to the Lord, also lifting our spirits.

The middle section of today’s Psalm reading deals with Joseph’s life – from the time he was sold into slavery to the point when he was made second in command in all of Egypt. The psalmist acknowledges the hard days, the days of slavery. They are part of the story. But then “the word of the Lord proved true.” Joseph’s dreams were fulfilled. The rest of the Psalm details the exodus from Egypt. It again includes both the challenges and the times when God provides and is true to the promises and covenants.

Later in God’s story, when life was again hard or challenging, the Israelites could sing Psalm 105 to find hope, strength, and encouragement. While we may not know the tune, we can read these words and be reminded of God’s steadfast love and care. Or we can sing other songs that remind us of God’s love, care, rescue, provision, redemption… Even when life gets hard, we can sing a song, refocusing our spirit on God, being lifted up and encouraged.

Prayer: Lord God, thank you for music and for song. In times of challenge the right song speaks to my heart, bringing hope to my soul. In my times of need, Lord, bring me your song. Amen.

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