
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Where We Belong

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Reading: Psalm 107:33-37

Verse 36: “There God brought the hungry to live, and they founded a city where they could settle.”

As we continue in Psalm 107 we find a sharp contrast in the two parts of our passage. In the first two verses there is an evil that leads to negative outcomes. In the last three verses this is reversed and good things come to the faithful. We are not sure exactly what this evil/good situation connects to – the flood? a failure in the wilderness? something else? In any event, as is often the case with the living word, we find application for our lives today.

In verses 33-34 there is a “wickedness” present. Because of this, the earth dries up and the crops turn to waste. That which once flowed with life is now dry and thirsty. At times and even in seasons our life can mirror this situation. Because of our sin or busyness or idol chasing we can find ourselves far from God. In this place our soul becomes dry and fruitless. We feel empty as nothing satisfies in this wasteland.

The scene changes drastically in verses 35-37. God’s blessings and presence once again flow as the parched land welcomes flowing springs. In turn, the crops and vineyards yield a plentiful harvest. A return to walking with God brings a blessing – “a city where they could settle.” When we choose to turn from wickedness, when we choose to walk in accordance with God’s will and ways, then our life becomes more abundant, more fruitful. Life is not perfect – there will still be trials and hardships and we will still stumble at times. But walking with God we find hope and strength, peace and forgiveness. It is where we belong. May it be so for you and for me.

Prayer: Lord God, at times I do allow my faith to become dry, to become consumed by the things of the world. Help me to realize this more quickly, to turn back to you more promptly. Once there, Lord, lead and guide me by the power of the Holy Spirit. Keep me true to you. Amen.

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