
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

The Glory of the Lord: Love

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Reading: Isaiah 40:1-11

Verse 5: “Then the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all people shall see it together.”

Photo credit: Milo Weiler

Isaiah 40 offers words of comfort to Israel. In the book of Isaiah, chapters 1-39 have detailed God’s case against the leaders and people of God. They have lived in sin. They have been disobedient. They have worshipped idols and foreign gods. The last king boastfully shows off the treasures of his kingdom to some envoys from Babylon. Chapter 39 ends with Isaiah foretelling of the long exile that is soon to come. After this dire prophecy, all hope would be lost.

Many scholars believe that the portion of Isaiah that covers chapters 40-66 was written much later and likely comes from an anonymous prophet writing under Isaiah’s name. Although in our Bibles it seems like the next day as we turn from chapter 39 to chapter 40, we’ve moved from the 8th century BC to the 6th century BC. The exile has happened. Jerusalem and the temple have long laid in ruins. For generations, exile is all they’ve known. Some scholars suggest that God has been silent for these 150 or so years. If all hope was lost at the end of chapter 39, now the people do not even know what hope is.

Now, with that background and context, hear again these words of comfort, these words that promise restoration of Israel. The way will be made by God. “Then the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all people shall see it together.” The Lord will “gather the flock” that has long been scattered in exile. The Lord will carry them “close to his heart.” As God speaks again to the people, God speaks words of love. Soon these words will take on flesh and dwell among us. Thanks be to God.

Prayer: Lord God, you remind us today of your great love that still overcomes even the greatest sin and still restores even the deepest separation. You continue to dwell with us, offering hope to all who call on your name. Thank you, God. Amen.

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