
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

The One True God

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Reading: Isaiah 9:2-7

Verse 6: “And his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Photo credit: Diego Gennaro

Just over a week ago at youth group, one of our kids asked about the difference between God and the gods of the Greeks, Romans… It is a good place to begin today’s thoughts on Isaiah 9. The gods were limited and they were flawed. Each god was a god of something – war, love, rain, fertility… The gods fought with one another, played cruel tricks on humanity, sometimes had evil intents. These false gods, however, did not cease to exist with the Romans or whoever. They have new names today – wealth, popularity, beauty… – but they continue to lead us away from the one true God. Pursuing these gods limits our ability to fully be who we were created to be. Allowing these gods to drive our decisions and actions yields flawed results in our lives.

God is unlimited and is perfect. In God there is no darkness or evil. God has only good plans for us. God is everywhere and is always present. In today’s passage Isaiah identifies the coming son as Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” God incarnate, in the flesh, is all of this and so much more. In our times of indecision and struggle, God gives us wonderful counsel and guidance. In our times of weakness and uncertainty, God gives us mighty strength and holy wisdom. In our times of frailty and humanity, God reminds us that he who was and is and always will be is right there with us in that moment. And in the storms and valleys, God covers us in peace and hope and walks right there by our side.

Today we rejoice in our God who upholds and establishes us. Thanks be to our God who both reigns forever and is present right here in our hearts.

Prayer: Lord God, these titles that we find in Isaiah are so true in so many ways. Yet they are just a small part of who and what you are to and for us. Thank you for your total love and for your complete care for us, your children. Amen.

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