
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Obedience and Faith

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Readings: Exodus 1, Exodus 2, Exodus 3, and Exodus 4

Genesis 2:24-25 – “God heard their cry… God remembered his covenant… God looked at the Israelites, and God understood.”

Today we begin the story of the Exodus! It is the story of God’s deliverance from oppression and it is the story of the formation of God’s people. The story begins with the fulfillment of part of the covenant – Abraham’s descendants become numerous. Seventy quickly grows to be thousands upon thousands. Pharaoh fears them then enslaves the Hebrews. Growth continues. Faith is demonstrated by Shiphrah and Puah, thwarting plan A. Plan B is to drown all Hebrew baby boys in the Nile River. Moses is born and goes into the Nile – in a tarred basket. Providence has him rescued by Pharaoh’s daughter. He grows up largely as an Egyptian.

Turning to adulthood, Moses defends a slave, killing an Egyptian. Moses then flees to Midian where his rescue of some shepherdesses connects him to Jethro and family. Moses marries, settles down. The Israelites cry out. At the end of chapter 2 we read, “God heard their cry… God remembered his covenant… God looked at the Israelites, and God understood.”

Out tending the flock on Mount Horeb/Sinai, Moses is drawn to a burning bush. It is holy ground – God is present. God asks Moses to rescue the Hebrews. Moses has lots of excuses. Sound familiar?! The excuses: Who am I? Who are you? How will they know you sent me? But I can’t talk well! Can’t you just send someone else?! Only the last one angers God. Yet God relents and sends a long Aaron to help. Pharaoh’s stubbornness is foreshadowed, as is the final plague.

Obediently, Moses goes. Yet obedience must be complete. On the way, God appears and tries to kill “him.” Is Moses or his son Gershom? Either way this is about circumcision – the symbolic act that identities the Israelites as God’s people. Zipporah reads the scene correctly and she acts quickly. The chapter closes with Moses and Aaron’s initial meeting with the Hebrew elders. They believe and then they worship the Lord their God.

Prayer: Lord God, oh how we are like Moses! Raised in two worlds – yours and this place we call home. We too can be confused about who and whose we are. And when you come to us, we can make excuses with the best of them. Yet, in love you lead and guide us. You desire relationship. You are not a tyrant. You invite us to be co-creators with you, loving and caring for your intended world. Thank you for the invitation. May we respond with both obedience and faith. Amen.

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