
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Promises Offered

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Readings: Exodus 5, Exodus 6, Exodus 7:1-13

Exodus 7:3 – “I’ll make Pharaoh stubborn, and I’ll perform many of my signs and amazing acts.”

Photo credit: Rainier Ridao

On our second day in Exodus and our 17th day in the Bible Year project we read of the groundwork necessary for the plagues and for Israel being set free. In chapter 5 God sends Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh for the first time. They request a few days off for the slaves so that they can go and worship the Lord. Pharaoh refuses, saying, “I don’t know this Lord.” He will soon! Pharaoh responds by increasing their workload. The Israelites will now have to gather their own straw – and still make the same number of bricks! Their oppression increases. We can experience something like this at times. We look to God yet the night seems to get darker.

The Israelite supervisors come to Moses and Aaron and ask why they’ve made the Hebrews a “stink” to Pharaoh. They are upset. Moses goes to God, saying, “You’ve done absolutely nothing.” God takes it in and again reiterates the promises offered: rescue, great power, the Promised Land. But the Hebrews won’t hear it. They are too exhausted. Moses is discouraged. Yet God continues to speak to Moses and Aaron. God remains sure and true, keeping to and understanding the plan that Moses and the Hebrews cannot yet see. This reality is something that we need to hold to at times as well: God is in charge and God knows the plan.

Next we get the genealogy of Moses and Aaron. This establishes them as Levites. This clan will be set aside by God to be the priests in the tabernacle and, later, in the temple. Chapter 7 begins with more reassurance: “I’ll make Pharaoh stubborn, and I’ll perform many of my signs and amazing acts.” These words prepare Moses and Aaron for what will unfold in the next six chapters. Moses and Aaron then go to Pharaoh to give a demonstration of God’s power. The “magic tricks” end with Aaron’s rod/snake eating all the others. Case closed. God has the power. Pharaoh remains stubborn. These themes continue tomorrow as God’s plan of rescue unfolds!

Prayer: Lord God, when we feel hard pressed, when the night seems to get darker, remind us again of your constant presence and of the plans that you have for our good. In the moment, reassure us and give us the strength to both continue the walk and to hold tight to your hand. Amen.

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