
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Act(s) of Salvation

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Readings: Exodus 7:14-25, Exodus 8, Exodus 9, Exodus 10, Exodus 11, Exodus 12:1-30

Exodus 12:14 – “This day will be a day of remembering for you. You will observe it as a festival to the LORD… for all time.”

Photo credit: RebeccaB Designs

As the plagues begin, the Lord turns the Nile to blood and then brings frogs upon all the land. Pharaoh’s religious experts duplicate these acts of God. Pharaoh is stubborn, refusing to let the Israelites go to worship God. Next comes the plague of lice. The experts are unable to do this. They tell Pharaoh, “This is something only God could do!” Pharaoh remains stubborn. Next comes a swarm of insects. Pharaoh says he’ll let Israel go worship but changes his mind after God removes the insects.

Chapter 9 brings the plague of sores and blisters. This time we read that God made Pharaoh stubborn. The animals that die are only the ones belonging to the Egyptians. This plague begins to build to a climax in chapter 12. Hail then pounds the land next – but not in Goshen. Pharaoh admits his sin and asks for prayer, saying he’ll let them go. Moses will make it stop but also states that he knows Pharaoh and his officials do not take God seriously. Again Pharaoh gets stubborn, refusing to let Israel go.

The plague of locust and the plague of darkness come in chapter 10. Again God differentiates between Egypt and Israel. Again Pharaoh almost budges but then turns stubborn. The chapter closes with Pharaoh threatening Moses. We see a shift in chapter 11. God gives very specific instructions to the Israelites. This prioritizes reenactment and remembering over the actual event. The Passover is about shaping and forming each generation to come. This is why God says, “This day will be a day of remembering for you. You will observe it as a festival to the LORD… for all time.” The lamb, its slaughter, the blood, the meal – it will be reenacted each year to remember and to be shaped by this act of salvation. This festival remains the high point of the Jewish religious year. For us, it connects to the blood of the Lamb that spread on the cross, again a mighty act of salvation for the people of God. For this event that we reenact every year, for this act of grace that shapes and forms us, we too say thanks be to God.

Prayer: Lord God, thank you for the gifts of salvation – for both the one in Egypt and for the one on Calvary. Thank you for the love that will stop at nothing to rescue, save, and redeem us. Amen.

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