
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!


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Readings: Joshua 12, Joshua 13, Joshua 14, Joshua 15, Joshua 16, Joshua 17

Joshua 16:10 – “But they didn’t remove the…”

Our reading today begins with a summary of the kings defeated by Moses and by Joshua. Moses’ efforts have a lot more detail. This follows the pattern found in Deuteronomy. Joshua’s efforts are simply a list of 31 names. In chapter 13 we learn that Joshua is old and “much of the land remains to be taken over.” There are many pockets of Canaanite tribes remaining here and there. The land east of the Jordan is then allocated to the tribes of Reuben and Gad and to half of the tribe of Manasseh.

Chapter 14 begins the process of assigning land west of the Jordan. Joshua, Eleazar, and tribal leaders assign a “legacy” to the remaining 9 1/2 tribes by lot. Caleb comes forward and requests the land that Moses promised him 45 years ago. Zelophehad’s daughters are later given a legacy, fulfilling another of Moses’ promises.

Judah, Ephraim, and the other half tribe of Manasseh are assigned legacies, determined by lot. It is interesting that Judah’s legacy is thoroughly detailed – it includes the names of 94 individual cities. Ephraim and Manasseh’s legacies are briefly described. No cities are even mentioned. At the end of chapter 17, Ephraim and Manasseh question the size of their inheritance. Permission is granted to expand by clearing forest, claiming more land for themselves.

Again and again in today’s readings we come across some version of “But they didn’t remove the…” Israel allows many Canaanite tribes to live amongst them in the Promised Land. These will become “thorns in your side” (Numbers 33:55.) When we too leave footholds in our hearts for the things of this world, they can and often do become thorns in our lives.

Prayer: Lord God, we see continued order and purpose as you allocate legacies or inheritances to Israel. You still lead and guide us in these ways of order and purpose. We also see little disobediences today – things that will lead to trouble for Israel. Help us to see these dangers in our lives too. Lead and guide and empower us in the conquest of these potential traps and dangers. Amen.

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