
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Power, Revenge, and Other Evils

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Readings: Judges 9, Judges 10, Judges 11, Judges 12

Judges 10:13-14 – “You have gone away from me and served other gods, so I won’t rescue you anymore! Go cry out to the gods you’ve chosen.”

In chapters 9-12 we find the stories of two rulers – Abimelech and Jephthah – who rely on self for the most part, who wheel and deal to get what they want, who leave Israel worse off than before they reigned. We also read about five minor judges who rule on either side of Jephthah.

Abimelech is one of Gideon’s 70 sons. He convinces Shechem that one ruler is better than 70. To consolidate power he then kills all of his brothers except Jotham. Jotham proclaims a fable that decrees monarchy and predicts that fire will destroy the unfaithful. Shechem rebels and Abimelech reacts violently, ultimately killing everyone and leveling the city. Fire is used to kill those hiding in the tower of Shechem. Abimelech then moves on to capture Thebez. At their tower a woman drops a millstone on Abimelech’s head, leading to his death. His lust for power and revenge leads to his downfall.

After two minor judges rule, Israel becomes unfaithful, abandoning God in favor of many local gods. The Philistines and Ammonites “bully and beat up” Israel for 18 years. The people cry out to God but God says, “You have gone away from me and served other gods, so I won’t rescue you anymore! Go cry out to the gods you’ve chosen.” The people change, putting away their foreign gods, turning back to God. God is moved to rescue Israel. Jephthah is eventually made ruler of Gilead. He who was spurned is brought back. After a little history lesson for the Ammonite king Jephthah basically says, “Let’s let God decide.” The Spirit of God comes upon him. He then makes a solemn promise to God. Even though God is clearly with him, the wheeler and dealer can’t resist. This promise costs him his only daughter. Jephthah wins an “exceptionally great” victory.

Ephraim feels left out and threatens Jephthah. Civil war follows. 42,000 from Ephraim die. A lust for power and an unwillingness to seek forgiveness leads to this tragedy. Jephthah dies and three minor judges rule next. God is not even mentioned in any of these three accounts. Evil is not far away.

Prayer: Lord God, you call us all to lead in one way or another. In our moments of leadership remind us that you are the one true God, the only one in control. Empower us to keep that perspective when temptation rises up within us. Quell the desires for status, power, control… Guide us to lead well as we follow closely in your footsteps. Amen.

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