
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

God at Work

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Readings: Judges 13, Judges 14, Judges 15, Judges 16

Judges 15:14 – “The LORD’s spirit rushed over him, the ropes on his arms became like burned-up linen.”

Today we read about Samson. He is the last major judge. Evil has befallen Israel and God has given them over to the Philistines – for 40 years. The messenger of the Lord comes to a Danite woman and tells her that she will have a son. Because he will be a nazarite, she must keep the vows while pregnant. Samson is born and as he grows up, the Lord blesses him.

Samson falls in love with a Philistine woman – much to his parents displeasure. He demands that they get her for his wife. They do not realize that God is at work. Samson kills a lion bare-handed and on a later trip discovers honey in the carcass. This becomes the basis for his wedding riddle. Samson’s wife nags the answer out of him and she tells her people. He reacts violently, killing 30 men to get the 30 sets of clothing to pay off his wedding riddle. He exits quickly and the woman is married to another. Later this news leads an angry Samson to use foxes and torches to burn the Philistines’ grain. Samson is turned over to the Philistines but God is with him once more. Freed, he uses a jaw bone to kill 1,000 Philistines. God then brings water from a rock to revive and reenergize a tired Samson.

Samson then meets, falls in love with, and marries Delilah. The Philistines offer her 1,100 pieces of silver for the secret to his strength. After three failed attempts and a lot of nagging, he tells her. He awakens and thinks he’ll just escape this too. But he is captured. They gouge his eyes out and put him to slave labor. During a celebration to their god Dagon, Samson is brought in to perform. He asks God for one last time of strength. Samson collapses the temple, killing the Philistine rulers, freeing God’s people.

Samson breaks all of his vows. He allows lust, anger, and revenge to lead him to some horrific decisions and actions. And yet God remains at work. Samson will not be rescued or redeemed, but through him God’s people will be.

Prayer: Lord God, you are ever at work. In the hardest of situations you still can bring about your desired outcome. Help us to heed today’s warnings about the outcome of lust, anger, and revenge. Amen.

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