
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Saul’s Warning Signs

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Readings: 1st Samuel 8, 1st Samuel 9, 1st Samuel 10, 1st Samuel 11, 1st Samuel 12, 1st Samuel 13

1st Samuel 8:7 – “Comply with the people’s request… because they haven’t rejected you. No, they’ve rejected me as king over them.”

Photo credit: Falaq Lazuardi

Today we transition with Israel from judges to kings. Samuel is the last judge and Saul is the first king. Problems with leadership continues to derail things. Samuel’s sons are just as evil as Eli’s were. The people see this as the writing on the wall and they ask Samuel to appoint them a king. Although Samuel knows it is a bad idea, here is God’s response: “Comply with the people’s request… because they haven’t rejected you. No, they’ve rejected me as king over them.” Samuel then explains how a king will exploit them and they still want a king – “so that we can be like all the other nations.”

Saul has a “chance” encounter with Samuel. Here we first see Saul’s insecurity – “smallest tribe… smallest family.” Samuel anoints him in private and prophesies three encounters. All come true. Next Samuel calls all of Israel together at Mizpah. Saul is selected by lot. Except he is hiding. Saul is presented as a king but some people question the choice. Saul then leads Israel to victory over the Ammonites. The naysayers are remembered and the people want to kill them. Saul chooses mercy instead. It is a day of victory. The next day all of Israel gathers to make Saul their king.

Samuel then warns the people. Obey the Lord and it will go well with you. Disobey and feel the Lord’s hand against you. He encourages them to fear the Lord and to serve God faithfully. Our passage closes with a story of impatience. Saul has Jonathan attack the Philistines, who respond in force. Fear leads to soldiers deserting and Saul takes matters into his own hands, sacrificing the well-being offering himself. Samuel arrives just then and asks, “What have you done?” Saul’s days are now numbered. God will seek a new king – “a man following the Lord’s own heart.”

Prayer: Lord God, what familiar foes – insecurity, doubt, fear, impatience. Saul is not alone in these battles. It’s in the hearts of Israel, it is in our hearts. Grant us an abiding faith, a resolute heart, a trusting spirit. Lord, teach us your ways, instill in us your heart. Amen.

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