
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Samuel Grieves Saul

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Readings: 1st Samuel 14, 1st Samuel 15

1st Samuel 15:22 – “Does the LORD want entirely burned offerings and sacrifices as much as obedience to the LORD?”

What a contrast we find between Saul and his son Jonathan. In the battle with the Philistines, Jonathan looks to God for guidance and he trusts in God’s presence for the victory. The Philistines invite battle, indicating God has handed them over. Saul’s scouts notice the panic in the Philistines’ camp. His initial reaction is to seek God’s guidance. But when the panic increases, Saul tells the priest, “Withdraw your hand.” Saul decides on his own to engage in battle. He makes the troops swear a foolish pledge heading into battle.

Inadvertently, Jonathan breaks the pledge. When told of it, he astutely notes that his father’s pledge has “brought trouble on the land.” Because of this pledge, the battle will be less than complete. The exhausted troops sin by eating meat with blood in it. Saul acts to stop this sin. He now wants to continue the fight. This time he is prompted to ask God. God is silent. Sensing God is angry, Saul senses what he thinks is sin. Lots are cast and the lot falls to Jonathan. Saul pledges to follow through – Jonathan must die! But the troops intervene, rescuing Jonathan from Saul’s folly.

Samuel then comes to Saul and shares God’s direction with him. Saul is to attack the Amalekites and to place them under the ban. This means to totally destroy everything. Victory is won but disobedience is present too. King Agag and the best sheep, cattle, and everything else of value is kept. Saul tells Samuel he followed God’s directions. Samuel asks then why he hears the bleeding of sheep. Saul makes excuses. Samuel asks, “Does the LORD want entirely burned offerings and sacrifices as much as obedience to the LORD?” Samuel informs Saul that God has rejected him as king. Saul knows he has sinned. Samuel and Saul return to their homes after worshipping God. Samuel grieves over the man he will never see again.

Prayer: Lord God, where and when do I try to offer rivers of oil and piles of offerings instead of surrendering my heart fully to you? When and where do I try do for you instead of simply being present to you? By the power of your Holy Spirit teach me obedience and reverence over doing and striving. Draw me to your heart, welcome me into your presence. Amen.

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