
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Lines Drawn

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Readings: 1st Samuel 18, 1st Samuel 19, 1st Samuel 20

1st Samuel 18:3 – “Jonathan and David made a covenant together because Jonathan loved David as much as himself.”

Photo credit: Nadine Shaabana

Jonathan and David become bound together, making a covenant because Jonathan loved David as much as himself.” He gives David his robe, sword, bow… – this symbolizes the passing on of the right to the throne. Jonathan is committed to David, and vice versa. Next, Saul’s anger rises as the woman sing of David’s greater victories. As the evil spirit returns to Saul, he tries to kill David – twice. David spends time away at war. The Lord gives him great success.

Saul then tried marriage as a means to control David. But David feels unworthy. A second attempt leads to a plot by Saul. God continues to be with David and he provides the wedding bounty. He married Michal, Saul’s youngest. After more success in battle, Saul orders David’s death. Jonathan defends David, placating Saul temporarily. But again the evil spirit rises up. David escapes a second spear and then Michal helps him to escape.

David flees to Ramah, where Samuel is. Saul sends three sets of messengers to retrieve David. All three sets fall into a prophetic frenzy and return empty handed. Saul himself goes and he suffers the same fate. Clearly the Spirit of the Lord is protecting David. These episodes lead David back to Jonathan. They devise a plan to see if Saul really wants to kill David. Yes, he certainly does. Jonathan and David renew their covenant and part ways for now. The lines have been drawn between Saul and David. Jonathan must now walk the difficult line between son and covenant friend.

Prayer: Lord God, in our moments of testing, may we be as faithful to you as David and Jonathan were. No matter what evil swirls around us, lead and guide us to walk in the way that is right and holy and true. Be a shield about us, O God, keeping us from harm. Amen.

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