
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Unrest Around Every Corner

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Readings: 2nd Samuel 20, 2nd Samuel 21, 2nd Samuel 22, 2nd Samuel 23, 2nd Samuel 24

2nd Samuel 22:31 – “God! His way is perfect; the LORD’s word is tried and true. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him.”

Trouble begins our reading and makes frequent appearances throughout. Sheba tries to lead Israel away from David. Only one clan joins his revolt. In the pursuit, Joab kills Amasa, eliminating a rival. In the end, Sheba is beheaded by the people of Abel. Next a famine falls upon the land. It is connected to Saul’s treachery against the Gibeonites. David inquires of the Lord, who sends him to them. The price to fix this wrong is set at seven sons of Saul. They are offered up by the Gibeonites as the blood price for Saul’s sin. Rizpah, the mother of two of the seven, mourns day and night for months, keeping guard over their bodies. This moves David. He reburied Saul and Jonathan in the ancestral grave of Saul’s family.

War and battles with the Philistines continues to be the norm. After a close call David is told he will never go into battle again. This is one hint that chapters 21-24 were written or at least take place before Absalom’s rebellion. David offers a Psalm of praise in chapter 22. God is his rock, fortress, rescuer, salvation. God hears his cries. God rewards David’s righteousness and integrity. God shows faithful love to God’s anointed. He then offers some “last words” about covenant and dynasty.

Then there is a list of David’s warriors along with some of their feats. Then 2nd Samuel closes with another sin and its consequences. A census is ordered. Joab questions this. David overrules him. Pride is at play in David’s heart. After the census David feels guilty and he repents. The prophet Gad is sent to David with three choices of consequences. David chooses the plague, trusting God’s mercy over what human hands might do. After 70,000 die, David cries out and God relents. Gad instructs David to buy a threshing floor at the place the plague stopped. He does so, building an altar and offering sacrifices. The plague ends. Yet unrest lies just around the next corner as we turn to 1st Kings tomorrow.

Prayer: Lord God, unrest and turmoil and violence continue to be the norm. This feels like our world today. Yet here and there your love and goodness poke through – in a mother’s love, in your mercy, in David’s faithfulness. In the midst of the trials and sufferings of our world, remind us again and again of your love, mercy, and goodness. And, Lord, use us as conduits of these things in our world too, reminding others of your presence here with us. Amen.

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