
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Clear Outcomes

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Readings: 2nd Chronicles 21, 2nd Chronicles 22, 2nd Chronicles 23, 2nd Chronicles 24

2nd Chronicles 24:20 – “Because you have abandoned the LORD, he has abandoned you!”

Jehoram succeeds Jehoshaphat. He does evil in God’s eyes. Edom and Libnah rebel, weakening Judah. Jehoram builds shrines and leads Judah astray. Via letter Elijah confronts Jehoram and predicts a family downfall and a deadly illness. Both occur quickly. In verse 21:20 we read, “No one was sorry he died.” He is not buried with the other kings of David’s line.

Ahaziah rules next, for one year. He allies himself with Israel’s King Joram. This brings him into the path of Jehu’s decimation of Ahab’s family. Ahaziah’s mother, Queen Athaliah, quickly seizes power. This evil queen kills all but one member of the royal family. Jehoash (or Joash) is hidden away and then raised in the temple for six years. Jehoiada, the priest, organizes a successful coup. Jehoash is crowned and Athaliah is killed. For a season, Judah returns to God. The priests are reassigned. Temple worship resumes. The temple tax is collected – the people give gladly and generously. The temple is restored to its glory days. And then Jehoiada dies. His leadership is honored by the people as he is buried with the kings of Judah.

Under the influence of Judah’s leaders, Jehoash abandons the temple and Judah again worships idols at the sacred poles. An angry God sends Zechariah. He declares, “Because you have abandoned the LORD, he has abandoned you!” He is then stoned to death. Aram once again invades and defeats Judah. Jehoash is injured and then is finished off by his own officials. He is also not buried with the kings of David’s city.

Today we again see the clear outcomes of being faithful to God or of being disobedient to God. May these insights guide us well.

Prayer: Lord God, lead us to walk in your ways. When evil voices speak and when other temptations arise, raise up the voice of your Holy Spirit. Remind us of our call to faith and trust. Empower us to walk the long road with you instead of against you. Amen.

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