
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Inner Strength

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Readings: Psalms 137-140

‭Psalm 138:3 – “On the day I cried out, you answered me. You encouraged me with inner strength.”

Psalms 137 and 138 offer lament and then raise up thanks and trust. These two represent much of what we find in the Psalms and in all of life – highs and lows. In Psalm 137 the psalmist laments a hard experience in exile. Their “tormentors” wanted them to sing a joyful song. How could they sing joyfully in exile? The response, instead, is a plea for Babylon’s (and Edom’s) downfall. In Psalm 138 we see a better choice. The psalmist turns towards Jerusalem and the temple. Here we read, “On the day I cried out, you answered me. You encouraged me with inner strength.” God is faithful. God hears and responds. The Psalm closes with this plea to God: “don’t let go.”

Psalm 139 expresses a deep connection with God. The psalmist recognizes that God knows them inside out. This is at first overwhelming, “too much for me.” There is nowhere the psalmist could go to avoid this overwhelming knowing. Even darkness would be no relief. In verse 13 there is a shift. The psalmist realizes that God knit them together and that God has good plans for them. After a brief dive into hating evil and seeking their destruction, the psalmist returns to self, inviting God to know him or her even more.

Psalm 140 is a plea for protection. For those who plot evil,“spider poison is on their lips.” The psalmist cries out to God for help, hoping for evil’s downfall. In the end, the psalmist knows deep down in his or her heart, “those who do right will live in your presence.” Through all of the highs and lows, for all in between, may this too be our daily choice: to live right, to be in God’s presence.

Prayer: Lord God, through all of life’s ebbs and flows, you are there. Walk with us daily, keeping us from evil and defending us when it arises in our lives. Grow in us a trust in you as our knowledge of you grows in us. Grant us an inner strength in the trials and sufferings, a strength that clings to you. Amen.

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