
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Paths Diverge Sharply

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Readings: Proverbs 3

‭Proverbs 3:34-35 – “He mocks mockers, but he shows favor to the humble. The wise gain respect, but fools receive shame.”

Today’s reading first invites us to hold onto loyalty and faithfulness, to bind them on our necks, to write them on “the tablet of your heart.” In later years the Jews would write scriptures on pieces of paper and would place these in small boxes that they strapped to their forearms and foreheads. They knew that wisdom came through a relationship with God that was founded on God’s word. These phylactery boxes were visible reminders of God, much like the crosses and tattoos many Christians wear today.

Solomon reminds us, the sons and daughters, that wisdom brings happiness, long life, wealth, and honor. With wisdom, our work and our sleep is pleasant and peaceful. We are encouraged to hold onto sound judgment and discretion. Wisdom gives us the ability to think through things, to make good decisions. Wisdom also builds up in us humility as we learn more and more about trusting in God and not in self. These practices will bring “life” to our “whole being” – heart, mind, body, and soul.

In verses 27-35 we find some warnings followed by the outcomes of choosing evil or of choosing wisdom and of walking in a relationship with the Lord. The warnings: don’t harm your neighbor, don’t accuse for no reason, don’t envy violent people. Those who choose these paths are cursed, detestable, mocked, and shamed. Those who choose the path of wisdom are close friends with God, are blessed, shown favor, and gain respect. The best choice is clear. The two paths diverge sharply. “My son, [my daughter,] don’t forget my instruction.”

Prayer: Lord God, your ways are good, just, right. Your heart is full of love, grace, compassion, mercy. You give provision for those in need, peace for those who are troubled. Lord, fill us with your wisdom so that we too can be these things lived out in the world today. Amen.

One thought on “Paths Diverge Sharply

  1. Pingback: Wisdom from Proverbs | Christianity 201

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