
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Readings: 1st Kings 1, 1st Kings 2, 1st Kings 3, 1st Kings 4

1st Kings 2:3 – “Guard what is owed to the LORD your God, walking in his ways and observing his laws… commands… judgments… testimonies.”

Photo credit: Shane Rounce

As 1st Kings opens David is failing. A beautiful young woman, Abishag, is brought in to care for David. Sensing an opportunity, Adonijah gathers support from Joab the general and Abiathar the priest and declares himself king. Nathan and Bathsheba respond quickly to establish Solomon as the king. David makes it happen. Adonijah’s support disappears.

David then speaks to Solomon. He instructs him to be strong. He then instructs him to be faithful, saying, “Guard what is owed to the LORD your God, walking in his ways and observing his laws… commands… judgments… testimonies.” Obey God and it will go well. Oh, and by the way, take care of Joab and Shimei. David then dies and Solomon follows orders. Adonijah asks to marry Abishag. This potential power move costs him his life as Benaiah murders him. Abiathar is then banished from the priesthood and from Jerusalem. Eli’s family is now fully removed. Joab dies next, also at Benaiah’s hands. Shimei is placed under house arrest. After two years he breaks his pledge and also pays with his life.

In chapter 3 God comes to Solomon in a dream and says, “Ask whatever you wish.” After remembering God’s loyalty and kindness to his father, Solomon acknowledges that he is young, inexperienced, and doesn’t know it all. So he asks God for a discerning mind to govern well. God is pleased. Solomon will be abundantly wise. Plus he will have fame and riches. And a very long life – if he is obedient to God. Solomon’s wisdom is demonstrated in the case of the two prostitutes. News of his wisdom grows and spreads.

Chapter 4 marks the high point of Solomon’s reign. His administration is vast. The population explodes and life is good. They eat, drink, and celebrate and there is peace. Abundance is the word of the day. It is also the other edge of the sword. It can lead to dangerous places. It can be a trap for us as well. Humility and obedience to God are the antidotes.

Prayer: Lord God, things are going great for Solomon – if one overlooks the murder and revenge and the accumulation of great overabundance. We know the dangers and trappings of these things. Yet we can also struggle with them. So, Lord, guide us by the power of your Holy Spirit; keep our focus on you and on walking in your ways. Help us to be strong and to be faithful. Amen.