
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Dangers and Trappings

Readings: 1st Kings 9, 1st Kings 10, 1st Kings 11

1st Kings 9:6-7 – “However, if you or your sons turn away from following me… then I will remove Israel from the land… and I will reject the temple.”

Photo credit: Josh Calabrese

Our readings begin with God’s second visit to Solomon. God has heard his prayers and will “put my name” in the temple. God reminds Solomon again of the charge to walk faithfully with the Lord. God also warns, “However, if you or your sons turn away from following me… then I will remove Israel from the land… and I will reject the temple.”

We next gain some insights into Solomon’s building projects. Towns are given to Hiram and he questions their worth. Solomon forces all non-Israelites into work gangs. Yet outside of Israel, Solomon’s fame grows. The Queen of Sheba comes and questions him. She sees his wisdom and wealth. These are so great “it took her breath away.” She leaves many gifts and she offers a blessing. This foreign queen sees God as the driving force behind Solomon’s success. Others come to see Solomon, leaving tribute as they go.

In chapter 11 we begin to see Solomon’s struggles. He marries many, many foreign women. God had warned him: “They will definitely turn your heart towards their gods.” They do. Solomon worships their gods and builds shrines and altars so that his wives (and others) can worship these foreign gods. An angry God visits Solomon. God begins, “Because you have done all this…” Almost all of the kingdom will be torn away. But it will happen during his son’s reign and one tribe will remain with Solomon’s family. Both of these “gifts” are because of God’s love for David.

Next we learn of some of Solomon’s enemies. Hadad and Rezon are nuisances, picking away at the edges. There is no longer peace in Israel. Jeroboam will be the greater challenge. In his youth he had impressed Solomon. The prophet Ahijah meets Jeroboam and tears his new garment into 12 pieces. Handing Jeroboam ten he tells him that God will give him ten tribes to rule over. Ahijah tells him that if he will walk faithfully with the Lord… Well, we know that story.

Prayer: Lord God, today we are reminded of the dangers and trappings of the things of this world – wealth, possessions, fame. In and of themselves these are not evil. They are not a guarantee of sin. But they so easily entangle, so easily give us a false sense of security and identity. Lord, no matter our place in life, remind us again and again, draw us back over and over. Moment by moment, whisper into our hearts and keep us walking in your ways. Amen.