
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Sing, O Israel

Readings: Psalms 64-68

‭Psalm 68:9 – “You showered down abundant rain, God; when your inheritance grew weary, you restored it yourself.”

Psalm 64 begins with a prayer for protection and finishes with a celebration of God’s acts. Psalms 65-67 join in the celebration of God’s mighty acts. We close with Psalm 68, mostly more praise but with some petitions for God to act. As we draw close to the end of Book 2, we see the shift towards more praise and less lament.

Psalm 64 begins with prayer of protection against the evil doers’ words or “arrows.” What an appropriate descriptor. The psalmist trusts that God will respond with an arrow too. Then the righteous will rejoice in the Lord. The rejoicing continues in Psalm 65, where David is grateful for God’s listening ear and forgiving heart. David also celebrates how God can “calm the roaring sea.” How we too are grateful for this gift! The Psalm closes with thanksgiving for God’s provision of abundant flocks and grains. Yes, God is good.

Psalm 66 focuses on God’s deeds and power. This power has tested and refined them – a good process. A good one for us too. Not always enjoyable but always fruitful. The psalmist’s response? Offerings given and promises kept, a joyful response! The thanksgiving extends in Psalm 67 to include the gift of salvation. It is to be made known to the nations. Then the nations of the world will better understand the fair judgments that God renders and will better receive the guidance that God desires to give to all of the nations of the world.

Closing today with Psalm 68, the Psalm begins with a grand sweep of God’s acts: scatters the enemy, cares for orphans and widows, sets prisoners free. The psalmist celebrates God’s provision and love: “You showered down abundant rain, God; when your inheritance grew weary, you restored it yourself.” The Psalm closes by remembering God’s past victories, grand worship, and shows of strength. The psalmist longs for these to return. Remind yourselves through song. Sing, O Israel, sing to the God who gives you strength!

Prayer: Lord God, we too thank you for the many ways that you move in our lives and in our world. We offer you our praise and worship! And we too count on your continued presence. Without you, O Lord, we’d be in trouble. Shower us with your abundant love and provision. Go with us day by day. Amen.