
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Reading: Matthew 20:1-16

Verse 1: “The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard.”

Photo credit: Summertrain

Today and tomorrow we will study the parable about workers in the vineyard. The main character and the focus should be on the landowner. We can be tempted to make it about the vineyard workers because they are us. It’s really about God though.

The landowner is up and out and about early in the day. At 6 am he is already at the gathering place for day laborers. A plan is in place. It was set long before 6 am. The parable does not say if some of those present were hired or if all that were there at 6 am were hired. Since we’re talking about God here, I bet all that were there were hired. God welcomes one and all who seek to be of service in the kingdom of God.

As the story unfolds, the landowner returns again and again and again, still seeking to include more folks in the work. Each time he not only promises work, but he offers fair treatment too. God even returns at the last hour, looking for a few more folks to include in this kingdom work.

In the parable, being chosen is great news. Your family will eat that day. In this life, being chosen is great news too. Life here and the life to come just became incredibly better. In response may we rejoice today over our place in the kingdom of God. And may we not stop there. May we be invitational too, encouraging others to enter a place where they will be loved and provided for. As we have received, may we share with others.

Prayer: Lord God, thank you for calling me into the labor of your kingdom. Thank you for your generous love and care. Use me to call others into the life that you offer to all of us, no matter where we are, no matter when we come to you. Amen.