
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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The Battle Is God’s

Readings: 1st Samuel 16, 1st Samuel 17

1st Samuel 17:46 – “Then the whole world will know that there is a God on Israel’s side.”

Photo credit: Familyschaffner

God sends a grieving Samuel to Bethlehem to anoint Israel’s next king. He brings a heifer as a sort of guise – does it ever get sacrificed? Jesse has six sons pass before Samuel. Right from the start, Samuel thinks this is the one, but God corrects him. Humans see what’s visible to the eyes but God “sees into the heart.” None present are chosen so Samuel asks, “Is that all of your boys?” No. David is brought in from tending the sheep. God says, “That’s the one. Go anoint him.” And God’s Spirit comes up on David right then.

An evil spirit begins to torment Saul. Is that because David has been anointed? Music was thought to calm such spirits. David is known as a skilled musician. He becomes part of Saul’s court, playing the lyre to sooth Saul’s demons. But the time for war comes. The Philistines and the Israelites face off. But instead of army versus army, the Philistines send out their champion, Goliath. This nine foot tall behemoth challenges the Israelites morning and night to send someone out to fight. They cower in fear for 40 days. It’s been a while so Jesse sends David to check on his brothers. David overhears Goliath and asks, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine….insulting the army of the living God?” David sees the battle from a different perspective right away. Soon he is facing Goliath with a staff, a sling, and five stones. David declares to Goliath that God will hand him over to David, adding, “Then the whole world will know that there is a God on Israel’s side.” David slays Goliath and the whole world knows.

When we take the same faith into our battles, trusting that the battle is God’s, not ours, then the world will see the power of God at work once again. May it be so.

Prayer: Lord God, we can be tempted to think, “with just a sling and a stone.” But we forget the important detail. You see the heart. You guide the stone. David’s heart was filled with love for you and with trust in you. Make that our hearts too, O Lord. Fill us with a sure faith and a trusting love when the giants come our way. Lead us to walk forward in faith, knowing that you still move in our world. Amen.