
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Glorify and Magnify

Reading: ‭Luke‬ ‭1:46‭-‬55‬

Verses 46-47: “Mary said, ‘With all my heart I glorify the Lord! In the depths of who I am I rejoice in God my savior.'”

Photo credit: Shane Rounce

Mary is at Elizabeth’s house as she offers these words, called ‘Mary’s Song’ or the ‘Magnificat.’ She has stepped into her role, called by God to bear Jesus, the Messiah and Savior of the world. Elizabeth’s response and the Holy Spirit’s response have confirmed all that has happened and together they inspire these words. They begin with this: “With all my heart I glorify the Lord! In the depths of who I am I rejoice in God my savior.” These are words that exclaim, ‘What a great thing God has done and I’m so HAPPY to be a part of it!’ Mary overflows with love and praise.

After recognizing the blessed and special role that she has been chosen to play, Mary praises the one who both called her and fills her. These words foreshadow Jesus’ ministry. This makes perfect sense as Jesus will be God in the flesh. The proud are scattered and the lowly are lifted. The hungry are filled and the rich are sent away empty. Those who think that they know it all and/or have it all find it difficult to receive from God. Humility and grace are necessary to receive. To those who know their need, the Lord fills them abundantly.

In this Advent season, what is our attitude? Do we seek to be filled by God? Or are we filling ourselves? Do we offer food to the hungry and lift the downtrodden? Or are we only concerned with our own belly and our own spirits? Like Mary, may we choose to glorify and magnify the Lord our God.

Prayer: Lord God, help me to think of others first this holiday season. Keep my focus outward instead of inward. May abundant love and spirit flow from my soul! Amen.