
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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For Me. For Us. For You.

Readings: Psalms 113-118

‭Psalm 118:6 – “The LORD is for me — I won’t be afraid. What can anyone do to me?”

Today’s six Psalms are known as the “Egyptian Hallelujah.” These words of praise were recited each year at the Passover meal. Psalms 113 and 114 were recited before the meal. These Psalms celebrate God’s actions on behalf of the poor and needy and on behalf of Israel during the exodus. Psalm 113 exalts the God who lifts up the poor, who raises the needy, who brings the barren woman the joy of motherhood. These words echo “Hannah’s Song” from 1st Samuel 2 where God acted on behalf of the faithful. Psalm 114 remembers the parting of the sea and river, the bringing of water from the rocks – more signs of God’s faithful love.

After eating the Passover meal, Psalms 115 through 118 would be recited. Although lost in translation, Psalms 115 and 118 were originally written and spoken as call-and-response liturgy. Psalm 115 lifts up God’s power and might, contrasting God with worthless idols who “have mouths, but they can’t speak.” God is Israel’s “strength and shield.” 115 closes with blessings to all. Psalm 116 is a celebration of an individual’s rescue, reminding Israel that God is a personal God too. Because of God’s deliverance the individual will “lift up the cup of salvation… will keep the promises” made to God. Psalm 117 lifts up God’s strong love.

The Hallelujah closes with Psalm 118. The setting is an individual coming to the temple to give thanks to God. This Psalm calls Israel, the priests, and all who honor the Lord to declare, “God’s faithful love lasts forever!” Because of their experience with this in the exodus, the psalmist writes, “The LORD is for me — I won’t be afraid. What can anyone do to me?” God was faithful. God is faithful. God will be faithful. What is to fear?

Verses 22 and 27 are often connected to Jesus – the stone rejected, the light that shined, the offering led to the new altar, the cross. These are echoes found in the ever expanding story of God’s love, reflections on the final Passover lamb.

Prayer: Lord God, today’s words celebrate your presence with your people. Just as you rescued and delivered, just as you provided and made a way, do so for us in our lives too, O God. We seek to walk in your strong and faithful love, a love that lasts forever. Thank you, Lord, for your love. Amen.