
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Readings: Job 22 through Job 31

‭Job 23:10 – “Surely he knows my way; when he tests me, I will emerge as gold.”

Eliphaz begins by listing Job’s sins. He is speculating about what Job could have done. He again encourages Job to confess and repent. Then God will again be Job’s “prized possession.” Job responds, declaring his innocence, desiring an audience with God. He then noted an absence of justice in the world. Wicked people move boundary stones and take the poor as collateral, “but God assigns no blame.” The wicked simply go on living and in the end, like everyone else, they die. Bildad then surrenders to this hopelessness too, calling humans and their children “worms… grubs.”

Job’s final speech to his friends runs from chapters 26-31. He does begin by acknowledging God’s “thunderous power.” In response to Bildad’s surrender, Job states that his lips won’t utter wicked words or deceit. He then returns to God, the source of true wisdom, the one who alone understands this wisdom. Job says the closest we can get to the wisdom of God is to fear the Lord. Job then reviews his former status and good deeds. This was how he lived out “justice” – caring for the needy, giving good advice to those who sought it. And now they all mock him.

Chapter 31 is Job’s closing argument. He is laying out proof of his innocence. He did not commit adultery. He did not receive others. He did not abuse his slaves. He did not ignore the needy. He did not worship gold or any other idol. He did not rejoice over his foes’ ruin. Job closes this list with a verbal signature. He wants his accuser (who he thinks is God) to write an indictment. An indictment is coming next. It’s not from God, though. That is yet to come.

Prayer: Lord God, you are indeed the source of all power and wisdom. You are far above us and our ways. We seek, as Job did, to follow your commands. We strive to avoid wickedness and sin too. In moments and seasons of trial, Lord, empower us through the Holy Spirit’s presence within us. Lead us to dive deep into that reservoir. Amen.