
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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A Healthy Fear

Reading: Proverbs 14

‭Proverbs 14:22 – “Don’t those who plan evil go astray? Those who plan good receive loyalty and faithfulness.”

Today’s key verse summarizes the overarching idea of Proverbs. The goal of Solomon and other sages who contributed to this book was to teach naive young men how to walk faithfully with God. To ignore this wisdom is to turn away from God, to “go astray,” to choose death.

The naive have and will always exist. Therefore Proverbs will be ever relevant. The naive think they know it all but can also fall prey to believing anything. Their sphere of thinking is fairly small, usually centered on self. Common sense is in short supply. All of this can lead to lurching forward in awkward ways. The inward focus can lead to things like “despising” those with needs. With wisdom and maturity brings a thoughtfulness to one’s steps, words, and actions. One begins to see beyond self. Care and concern for others becomes a new reality.

As one gains wisdom and maturity, one also begins to understand the heart. Wisdom brings an understanding of our own heart and of the hearts of others. One grasps and grapples with joy and sorrow, happiness and distress. Empathy develops. We read, “Wisdom resides in an understanding heart.” One moves from considering to prioritizing other over self.

Wisdom eventually leads to a revrent fear of the Lord. This guides one’s choices, words, actions. One chooses integrity over the “crooked path.” One develops a strong confidence and trust in God’s care for us and for our families. Wisdom and a healthy fear of the Lord draws us close to the “fountain of life.” There we are guided to seek a continual walk in God’s will and way. May this be our path and our choice.

Prayer: Lord God, on this journey of life we mature in many ways: physically, emotionally, relationally, vocationally, spiritually. All tend to come with age and experience. We can be a part of the process or we can just go with the flow of life. As your disciples, guide us to engage the process, to invest in our lives, especially in our faith. Rooted deeply in you we find strength, compassion, empathy, love. In you we find meaning and purpose. Draw us deeper and deeper into you, fountain of life. Amen.