
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Love God AND Neighbor

Reading: Matthew 22:34-40

Verses 37 and 39: “Love the Lord your God… love your neighbor.”

Photo credit: Greg Rakozy

As we turn to our gospel text for this week once again the religious leaders are testing Jesus. They view Jesus as an adversary and try again and again to discredit him, to bait him, to trap him… Today in the text it is framed in a question about the Law: “Which is the greatest commandment?”

Jesus answers as even the most nominal Jew would answer, quoting from the Law of Moses. Reciting from Deuteronomy and then from Leviticus, Jesus basically says, “Love the Lord your God… love your neighbor.” Here Jesus is combining these two commands, in essence making them one command. Let us note “how” Jesus says to follow these commands. Jesus reminds us that we are to love God “with all your heart… soul… mind” – love God with all that we are, with our whole selves. Then Jesus says we are to love our neighbors “as yourself.” Love as you would hope to be loved. Connecting the two, love your neighbor as God loves you: with all of God’s heart, soul, and mind. That is how we are to love our neighbors, which, of course, to God and to Jesus means all people.

In today’s Disciplines devotional, author Sophia Agtarap sums up a recent sentiment found on shirts, bumper stickers… this way: “Love your neighbor who doesn’t look like you, think like you, love like you, speak like you, pray like you, vote like you.” This is a pretty inclusive list of folks that we can surely want to exclude from our “neighbor” definition. Yet if we are to really live God with all of our heart, soul, and mind, then we must truly love such as these. May it be so today and every day for you and for me.

Prayer: Lord God, do what you need to do in my heart to enable me to really live out these commands. Thank you. Amen.