
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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A Leader, A Remnant

Readings: 1st Kings 17, 1st Kings 18, 1st Kings 19

1st Kings 19:18 – “I have preserved those who remain in Israel, totaling seven thousand — all those whose knees haven’t bowed down to Baal.”

Photo credit: Paul Pastourmatzis

In today’s readings God returns to the scene in mighty ways. Suddenly Elijah is on the scene. His first act is to tell King Ahab that drought is on the way. Then he runs and hides. Elijah is filled with God’s Spirit and is very compassionate for the Lord. And he lacks confidence at times. His faith wavers between great and almost non-existent.

After providing for his needs in the wilderness, God then sends him to the widow at Zarephath. She is out gathering wood to prepare one last meal for her and her son. Elijah asks her for bread, asking her to trust God. She gives him bread and God provides for her faith. But her son grows ill and dies. She questions Elijah. He questions God. But then Elijah prays and asks God for help. God restores the boy back to life. The widow has faith in this man of God and in his God.

Elijah is then sent to Ahab – the one who has been searching for him. Obadiah reluctantly arranges a meeting. Ahab meets the “trouble maker” but Elijah counters, identifying Ahab and Israel as the ones who have deserted God. A contest is set up. The prophets of Baal prepare their bull and they pray and dance. Elijah teases them. They cut themselves and shout to Baal. Nothing. Elijah repairs the altar using twelve stones, prepares the sacrifice, and has water dumped upon it three times. Elijah prays to God. Fire falls and consumes everything. The people exclaim, “God is real!” The prophets of Baal die. He tells Ahab rain is coming. Six times Elijah’s servant looks for a cloud. On the seventh time, a small cloud has formed.

Jezreel is not happy about what happened at Mount Carmel. She threatens Elijah. He flees. Even though he’s ready to die, God provides as he makes his way to Mount Horeb. God asks, “Why are you here?” – Why are you afraid? God then teaches him an important lesson. God comes – not in the wind, not in the earthquake, not in the fire – but in the still and quiet. God has a plan. He tells the one who feels all alone, “I have preserved those who remain in Israel, totaling seven thousand — all those whose knees haven’t bowed down to Baal.” Elijah anoints Jehu as priest and Hazael as king. He goes to Elisha and throws his coat on him. Elisha accepts the invitation to follow. God is at work.

Prayer: Lord God, thank you for reminding Elijah and Israel and us of your presence, power, and might. Yet even with such reminders we can be like Elijah – our compassion for you quickly turning to fear and doubt. Help us to remember better. Lead and guide us to a sure and steady faith in you. Amen.