
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Sit Faithfully

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Reading: Genesis 21:19-21

Verse 19: “Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water.”

Picking up again in Genesis 21, God acts on behalf of Hagar and Ishmael, making good on the promise given in verse 18. God opens her eyes to the provision of water. God blesses Ishmael with a skill to live in the desert and then leads Hagar to find him a wife, the next step in becoming a “great nation.”

We all find ourselves in the desert at times – fear rising up, feelings of loneliness and helplessness close behind. We too cry out to God. Our prayers are heard just like Hagar’s were heard. And God provided a way when there seems like there is no way. For Hagar and Ishmael the way was through and in their desert experience. With little or maybe no choice they walked forward into God’s good plans for their lives. Here is where we often struggle. Most of us are not slave girl single parents with no resources.

The abundance and blessings of our lives can get in the way of how God wants to open our eyes and of seeing how God is making a way. We just want to get out of the desert. We want the pain or grief removed. We want light to shine into our darkness. So we marshall our resources and head off on our own way. When God wants us to stay put in that desert place a bit longer, we try and make a way out. It is hard to trust God in these moments. Yet it is there that we likely will see the hand of God at work.

May we learn to sit faithfully in these places, assured that God is with us and is working for our good, confident in God’s love and care for us.

Prayer: Lord God, guide me to walk faithfully, to trust in your good plans for me, especially in those hard moments and places. When tried and true faith is needed, may I lean deeply into you. Amen.

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