
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

God Can and Will

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Readings: Genesis 29:15-28 and Psalm 105:1-6

Verse 2: “Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts.”

Today we pair yesterday’s reading from Genesis 29 with Psalm 105:1-6. By doing so we see a broader picture of God’s love and goodness and faithfulness. The Psalm is a corporate encouragement. It invites all of God’s chosen people to remember what God has done and to praise God: Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts.” The psalmist invites his readers then and us today to remember the wonders and miracles as well as the judgments of God, connecting all the way back to Abraham and Jacob, two of the greats of the Hebrew faith and story.

Abraham and Jacob were two of many people that God used who were far from perfect. We could include Sarah and Rebekah and Laban in this list. They too were flawed and human, sinful and selfish. When these imperfect people’s stories are read alongside Psalm 105, we are reminded once again that God’s plans and purposes can be and will be accomplished through very human people. That’s good news for you and me!

As we considered Leah and Rachel yesterday, thinking of how their role in God’s story might have affected them, today we recognize that God chose them specifically for this part of God’s story. And we recognize that God continued to work in their lives, long past the place we find them at in Genesis 29.

If God chose and used and blessed men like Jacob and Laban and women like Leah and Rachel, then God definitely can and certainly will choose, use, and bless people like you and me. If you love the Lord and praise God for all that God has done and will do, then there is a place for you in God’s ongoing story. Thanks be to God!

Prayer: Lord God, I am grateful that you choose anyone to be a part of your story. It reflects your love for all of us – even for those who maybe don’t know you well or even at all when you choose them. The width of your love is amazing! Thank you, Lord. Amen.

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