
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Words of Life

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Reading: Jeremiah 15:15-21

Verse 19c: “Let this people turn to you, but you must not turn to them.”

Chapter 15 begins as a dual lament. God laments the disobedience and hard hearts of the people. Jeremiah laments where he finds himself – cursed and rejected, abused and alone. This leads him to wonder if God even cares. Our passage today begins with Jeremiah asking for God’s care – via revenge on his enemies. That’s a snapshot into his current emotional state. He laments how taking in and proclaiming God’s word has led him to being an outcast. He asks God why his pain – both physical and emotional – is unending. And then he questions God’s reliability, equating God to “a spring that fails.” His pity party has him spiraling deeper and deeper.

God takes no offense. God understands how hard it is to speak truth to a people bent on evil. God understands how frustrating it is to offer true and abundant life to a people refusing these gifts to chase after the things of this world. God understands because God has been here before and because God is once again torn up about the people’s choices. In grace, God invites Jeremiah back to the task, back to right relationship, back to speaking “worthy” words, back to holy living. This is a great challenge to Jeremiah, to live in the world but not of it. We too wrestle with this challenge.

Much of life is spent living in the world. We too are called to a holy life. God promises to be with us too, to “rescue and save you.” In those moments of doubt and questioning, may we recall these words of truth: “Let this people turn to you, but you must not turn to them.” We know the words of life. We know God is with us. May we ever stand upon these truths.

Prayer: Lord God, when the steps are hard, whisper your words of love. When the temptation to lessen who I am to fit in or to avoid conflict arises, whisper your truths. Strengthen and encourage me for all that living in this world brings. Amen.

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