
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Love Does No Harm

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Reading: Romans 13:8-10

Verse 10: “Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.”

Turning to the first half of this week’s Epistle reading, Paul calls us to love one another. Paul, just as Jesus did, emphasizes that “he who loves his fellow man has fulfilled the Law.” Paul, again reiterating one of Jesus’ teachings, offers a few of the 10 Commandments and says these and all other commandments are summed up in “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Whether reading Paul or reading Jesus, the charge is clear: love one another.

In verse 10 Paul writes, “Love does no harm to a neighbor.” Many years later this concept would become the basis for the first of John Wesley’s “Three Simple Rules”: Do no harm. Wesley picked up on Jesus’ example and on Paul’s words, making the verbage shorter while also expanding the scope to include things like the environment. While the world has changed greatly since the days of Paul or Wesley, this rule of life is still greatly needed in our world and in our lives.

How can we, how can you and I, embody and live out “love does no harm to a neighbor?” How do we model a love that intentionally chooses not to harm our fellow humans or the world we all live in? We begin by accepting the call to minister to all the world. We next recognize and engage the image of God that is inside all people. And then we really commit to loving all of our neighbors, especially when it is hard. From this place of being in the world as Christ was in the world, we will do no harm as we encounter each person from a place of love. May it be so for us all today and every day.

Prayer: Lord God, open my heart wide to all people – those like me, those that are beloved by you. All people. Fill me with your love, Lord. Use me and guide me to truly love as you love – without condition, generously, abundantly. As I gather with others may it always be in your name. May your presence be with us and in us. Amen.

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