
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Three P’s

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Reading: Exodus 16:6-15

Verses 6-7: “In the evening you will know that it was the Lord who brought you out of Egypt, and in the morning you will see the glory of the Lord.”

Continuing on in Exodus 16 we see 3 traits of God on display. Two are obvious and one is found “between the lines.” In verses 6-7 we read about one: God as provider. Because the people are hungry and are unable to provide for themselves, God brought quail at night and manna in the morning. God is our provider too. Sometimes food is what we need. Sometimes it is peace or joy or strength or the opening of a door or guidance for a next step.

The second trait is found in both the manna and in the cloud. God’s presence is found in the glory in the cloud and in the thin flakes that appear on the desert floor. In their doubt and in their want, God’s presence fills these voids. God is present to us too. Maybe it is in worship. Maybe it is on a walk. Maybe it is when you bow your head in prayer. Or maybe it’s in those moments of great need when you feel God’s arms and love surrounding you.

The third trait is God’s patience. The testing and the grumbling are already frequent, just days into this journey. It’s like your child asking “Are we there yet?” before you’re out of the driveway. Moses even makes it clear that the Israelites are really grumbling “against God.” It doesn’t seem to bother God. At all. God knows the big picture, the master plan. And God knows us too. God created us. God is not done with the Israelites and God is not done with you or with me. Although we also grumble… and doubt and question and worry and… God is ever so patient. Hallelujah!

Prayer: Lord God, you are indeed provider, presence, and patience. We need each in large volume. You give and give and give out of your great love for us. May our response be to live there out with one another. Amen.

One thought on “Three P’s

  1. I needed to hear this truth today! Thank you.

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