
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Reading: Exodus 20:12-17

Verse 12…: “Honor your father and your mother… you shall not… you shall not… you shall not…”

Photo credit: Shane Rounce

We began the week with the first part of the Ten Commandments. These first four related to our relationship with God and centered on the declaration, “I AM the Lord your God.” This same declaration arcs over today’s 6 commandments. These deal with our relationships with others.

Verse 12 calls us to “honor your father and your mother.” This 5th commandment is a bridge of sorts. On the surface it calls us to honor, respect, and treat our parent(s) well. This relationship begins with our total dependence on them and this changes as we mature and become more and more independent. The temptation here is to leave them behind, to quit relying on them, or to see them as equals (or less than that during our teen years). This commandment is a bridge because this can be how our relationship with God plays out too. Initially we yearn for God and we have a longing to know God more and more. Quite often, though, that fire cools and we don’t think that we need God as much. We pull out God now and then – as needed.

The remaining 5 commandments all begin with the words “you shall not…” These words come with an implication. They say that we are prone to these things. This is the humanity in all of us. Self rises up and can do so to unhealthy or dangerous levels, leading to murder, adultery… This is why it is so necessary to return again and again to verse 2: “I AM the Lord your God.” This return keeps our relationship with God in the right perspective. This key relationship affects all of our other relationships. When we live daily with the Lord as our God, then we honor not only our fathers and our mothers, but we also honor all of our brothers and sisters too. May it be so.

Prayer: Lord God, draw me first and foremost to you and to your will and ways. From this connection of love, send me out into the world. Guide me to interact with, treat, and see others as I would treat, see, and interact with you. Amen.

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