
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Resisting the Urge

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Reading: Exodus 32:1-10

Verse 7: “Go down, because your people, whom you brought up out of Egypt, have become corrupt.”

Moses was the Israelite’s connection to God. God spoke to Moses and he spoke to the people. The people spoke to Moses and he spoke to God. The speaking sometimes was crying out; it was sometimes grumbling; it was sometimes quarreling. The relationships between God and Moses, between Moses and the people, and between God and the people all had their ups and downs.

Way back in chapter 24 God calls Moses up the mountain after leaving Aaron and Hur in charge. Moses spends 40 days on the mountain, receiving instructions and the Ten Commandments from God. In today’s passage the people approach Aaron. They wonder what has happened to Moses. He has been gone a really long time. Without Moses, the people’s relationship with God has a missing part. So they take matters into their own hands, saying to Aaron, “Come, make us gods who will go before us.” Aaron collects jewelry and makes an idol shaped like a calf. The people worship this idol. Looking down upon the scene, God says to Moses, “Go down, because your people, whom you brought up out of Egypt, have become corrupt.” The Israelites are now “your people.” If they were truly God’s people, there would be no idol, right?

When I’ve gone to God asking for some guidance on a project or for relief from some situation or for healing for a loved one and the answer seems like a long time coming, I want to take matters into my own hands. I want to just fashion my own solution. I can be tempted to think that I know best. I can ponder becoming my own person, not God’s person. In these moments, may we remember today’s lesson. Even though it may not feel like it, God is right there. May we hold onto the relationship, resisting the urge to quickly abandon our God. And may we trust into our relationship with God, leaning even deeper into God’s love and care.

Prayer: Lord God, when I am tempted to elevate self or some other idol above you, remind me of the lesson learned in this Exodus story. Use that to remind me of your constant love and your sure care. Guide me to turn once again to you. Amen.

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