
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

A Model of Faith

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Reading: Deuteronomy 34:1-4

Verse 1: “Then Moses climbed Mount Nebo… There the Lord showed him the whole land.”

We begin this week with a text that closes out Moses’ story. Here, at the very end of Deuteronomy, Moses dies and passes on the leadership of Israel to Joshua. Today there is one last tender exchange between God and Moses.

Our text begins, “Then Moses climbed Mount Nebo… There the Lord showed him the whole land.” This does not sound like a man near to death. Back in chapter 32 God reminded Moses that he would only see the Promised Land. In this same section, God commanded Moses to make this trek. As Moses hiked up this arid mountain, he has time to ponder and think, to consider the scope of his life. This is common as one enters that end-of-life season. As Moses hikes and reflects, I wonder what his highs and lows were.

On top of Pisgah, the highest point, God shows Moses all of the land that he will not get to enter. It is a land “flowing with milk and honey.” Relative to the desert that they have been trekking through for 40 years, this land is lush and green. God reminds Moses that this is the land “promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”

Moses could’ve been disappointed or even angry that he’s led these people for so long or that he’s come this close only to be denied entry. Disappointment could’ve welled up and put him in a deep funk. Perhaps it would do so to me if I stood in his shoes. It is not so with Moses. He has faithfully walked the path that God has placed him on. He has been obedient and steadfast to the Lord. And he is grateful for his time and place with Israel. Moses is content and at peace because of his relationship with God. Moses is a model of faithful servant leadership. Thanks be to God for his example.

Prayer: Lord God, thank you for helping me today to better understand my role in service to you. Help me to keep this right perspective. This is your plan, your will, your way. I am but a humble servant. Continue to lead and guide me. Use me as you will. Amen.

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