
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Our Eternal God

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Reading: Mark 13:31 – “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”

Photo credit: Tyler Milligan

Returning to Mark 13 today on the first Sunday of Advent, time remains a theme. Jesus reminds us today that very little in this life is permanent – “heaven and earth will pass away.” Passings or losses are part of our life. They are a reality of our finite human nature. Even this world, although eons and eons old, is in a steady state of decline. One day even our sun will give off its last warmth and light. This impermanence can give us feelings of instability and fear. If this 58 or 80 or 40 or even 100 years was all there was to life, then no matter how great our years and life, death would only bring deep sadness.

Set over and against this temporary life and world is our eternal God. Although even heaven as we think we know it will one day be no more, the one who created it and sustains it will go on and on and on. Although our substance will likely change, God and God’s words, those words of hope and promise and resurrection and eternity – “my words will never pass away.”

Our eternal God is present with us in the future of this life. The Holy Spirit walks with us daily, guiding us through the highs and lows and all else in between. Our God who was and is and always will be is with us, God’s beloved. Thanks be to God.

Prayer: Lord God, what hope and promise you bring to our finite and limited lives. What peace and love you bring to our hearts. What joy you bring to our souls. Thank you for your everlasting presence with us. Amen.

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